
DECIMALS Are all numbers integers? Well, the obvious answer to that question is a no. All numbers are not integers. Consider the case of 0.333333. What is this number? An integer? Well, it is a decimal. But what are decimals? Decimals are nothing else but the values...

Applications of fractions

Basic Applications of Fractions 1. Fraction helps us determine the part of any number ¾ part of 56 = ¾ x 56 = 42 4/5 part of 90 = 4/5 x 90 =72 2. You can be asked to represent a number in the form of fraction. For example, you can be asked to represent 15 as a...


Fractions The concept of fractions, though a simple one, can be often confused. Having not solved questions based on this simple concept, students often tend to confuse the problems. These questions can throw up the occasional challenge and it makes sense to practice...