Prime numbers

Prime numbers  Numbers, which don’t have any factor other than 1 or itself, are said to be prime numbers. For example 2, 3, 5, 7, 19, 29, 31……………… Or we can say that the numbers which are not divisible by any other number except 1...

Properties of Numbers

Properties of Numbers The following is a handy list of tips that you can remember about numbers (think about each one of these): The number line goes on till infinity in both directions, which is indicated by the arrows. The numbers on the number line are indicated by...

Types of Numbers Part-2

Types of Numbers: Part-2 Integers: It is combination of both positive and negative numbers lying on the number line including zero. Remember zero is an integer. The integers are the natural numbers, their negatives, and the number zero like...

Types of Numbers Part-1

Types of Numbers: Part-1 In this first article of our topic ‘Numbers’, we deal with ‘Numbers’ themselves. What are numbers? Where do we see and meet them? Are they of different types? Can we learn these distinct types of numbers? Well, numbers are all around us,...