
Mr. Dhoni does plantation work on Mr. Tendulkar’s square farm. He is paid in kind for the work he does on the basis of the square feet area he covers. He is paid 1 potato per square feet of area he covers every month. In the last one month, Mr. Tendulkar has expanded...


In the word HEIRARCHICAL, if the first and second, third and fourth, fourth and fifth, fifth and sixth letters are interchanged up to the last letter, which are the two position from the left on which R would appear and on which positions would C appear twice? Click...


Four friends Asha, Babu, Chika and Dishant are out for shopping. Asha has less money than three times the amount that Babu has. Chika has more money than Babu. Dishant has an amount equal to the difference of amounts with Babu and Chika. Asha has three times the money...


Six students Richa , Manpreet , Sona , Pankaj , Anamika , Ankita are sitting in a examination hall . Richa is between Manpreet and Sona . Manpreet is sitting next to Pankaj . Pankaj is sitting next to Anamika . Anamika is sitting extreme left to and Ankita is sitting...


You are doing a project in family history and exploring the family free. You have traced the generations before and have calculated family members according to different relation types, one of them being that of your grandparents. Exploring the family, you decided to...
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