by Wordpandit | Nov 26, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips |
So now that CAT is done and dusted, time to shift your focus to the next exam on the radar: IIFT. But before I actually begin with the piece, there are few things that I want you to keep in mind: CAT is done. Analysis and thinking about it is not going to help, so... by | Sep 3, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips, Ultimate RC VA Course |
How does CAT 2018 preparation look right now for you? Well, it is an understatement to say that we (students and mentors alike) have entered the final lap of CAT preparation. And it is at this stage that the maximum doubts are going to cloud your judgment. Currently,... by | May 30, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips |
CAT Vocabulary List: Learn Words through movies They’re funny. They’re sad. They’re weird.They’re entertaining and they help in making a CAT Vocabulary list of words based on them! In 70 years of Indian independence, Hindi movies have traversed a journey of their own... by | May 25, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips |
Vocabulary words for CAT: Words from ‘Game of Thrones’ What can be a more interesting and exciting way of Learning vocabulary words for CAT than learning words from your favourite show!We at Wordpandit believe that learning and especially learning Vocabulary for words... by | May 24, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips |
CAT Vocabulary Words:Words based on the show ‘The Crown’ Developing a good vocabulary takes time and effort. And this effort has to become more intense when you are trying to learn CAT vocabulary words and also words for other competitive exams.To do this reading and... by | May 24, 2018 | CAT Strategy and Tips |
Vocabulary for CAT: Words used to compliment Learning vocabulary for CAT and other competitive exams like SNAP, XAT, IIFT, etc need not be challenging, boring or mundane. We at Wordpandit believe that learning and especially learning Vocabulary for CAT should be fun...