Why do students fail in CAT?

Need some motivation for CAT? Need to clarify some common CAT-related doubts? We have the answers for you! This post is being written for slightly different reasons, and in fact, is a response to an e-mail I received from our much-loved user. The ‘user in concern’ was...

2 Days to CAT-2016: Believe in yourself

2 Days to CAT-2016: The Power of Positive Thinking for CAT exam Hey there, we are almost there! With two days to go for the exam, you might be feeling under the pump. But hey, don’t worry. In class, I share a simple anecdote to calm nervy students: whatever happens in...

What’s your motivation?

CAT-2024: How to stay motivated for CAT? There is often just one question I ask my students when they come up to me and share the fact that they are not scared of the CAT exam or are not able to focus: What’s Your Motivation? Remember, we are the in the final...
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