India’s Rankings

LIST OF INDIA’S RANKING ON VARIOUS INDEXES   List of India’s ranking on various indexes is an important current affairs topic for MBA, Bank PO and other competitive exams. You can expect at least 1-2 questions from India’s ranking on various index in any competitive...

Complete List of International Summits

  COMPLETE LIST OF INTERNATIONAL SUMMITS   BRICS SUMMIT   Core Brics Members (5) – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Recently Held BRICS Summits and Venues 6th BRICS Summit 2014 – Fortaleza, Brazil 7th BRICS Summit 2015 – UFA, Russia 8th...

List of Awards and Fields

LIST OF VARIOUS AWARDS IN DIFFERENT FIELDS   Award yourself with bountiful knowledge dose!   Worldwide valuable citizens are facilitated with awards with utmost care and dignity. The power of man and his contribution towards the society makes it a better...
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES IN INDIA There are 38 (30 cultural, 7 natural and 1 mixed) World Heritage Sites in India that are recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as of July 2017. These are places of importance...


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