Sanguine, Sanguinary, Sanguineous

Word 1:Sanguine (SANG gwin) Meaning 1: Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. Example Sentence: His sanguine approach made the others optimistic as well. Meaning 2: (of the complexion) florid or ruddy. Example Sentence: Her...
Salon, Saloon

Salon, Saloon

Word 1: Salon (suh LAHN, SAL ahn”, sa LAWN) Meaning 1: A reception room in a large house. Example Sentence: The theme of the grand salon is gold and white. Meaning 2: A business that gives customers beauty treatments (such as haircuts). Example Sentence: The...
Sail, Sale

Sail, Sale

Word 1: Sail (SAYL) Meaning 1:An extent of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water. Example Sentence: The boat lurched sideways as the sail unfurled. Meaning 2: A trip in a ship or boat moved especially by the wind. Example...
Sacrilege, Sacrilegious

Sacrilege, Sacrilegious

Word 1:Sacrilege (SAK ruhlij) This word is a noun. Meaning: An act of treating a holy place or object in a way that does not show proper respect. Example Sentence: It was considered a sacrilege for non- Brahmins to touch the statues. Word 2:Sacrilegious (sak”...
Sane, Seine, Seine

Sane, Seine, Seine

Word 1: Sane (SAYN) Meaning 1: Proceeding from a sound mind. Example Sentence: The only sane decision was to quit the job. Word 2: Seine (SAYN) Meaning 1: A large net with sinkers on one edge and floats on the other that hangs vertically in the water and is used to...
Sanatorium, Sanitarium

Sanatorium, Sanitarium

Word 1: Sanatorium (san” uh TOR eeuhm, san” uh TOHR uhm) Meaning 1: An establishment that provides therapy combined with a regimen (as of diet and exercise) for treatment or rehabilitation. Example Sentence: He recouped fully in six months in the...