

Omnipresent is a word made of two parts: omni and present. The omni in this stands for ‘all, everywhere’ and we all know the meaning of ‘present’. That makes the meaning of omnipresent a simple deduction: something that is present everywhere and at all times. God is...


This is what we call cute in any language. This is such an ‘adorable’ ad that you fall in love with these two little kids. Have a watch and you would understand the sentiment in labeling this as ‘adorable’. Meanings of Adorable 1. Delightful, lovable, and charming. 2....


This is what we call a mushy video: one overflowing with lovesickness and romance. Do we need to say more? Anything mushy is soft on the inside, and once the heart goes mushy, we all know what it means. Meaning of Mushy 1. Resembling mush in consistency; soft. 2....


Just what the oppressive summer heat requires. Invigorate means to fill with life and energy, just what limca does to you in this maddening summer heat: refreshes you and fills you with energy. Meaning of invigorate 1. To give vigor to; fill with life and energy;...


The perfect example for a prompt reply. This is what you call an expeditious solution: something which is prompt, on-time and immediate. Can a problem be solved quicker than this? Meaning of Expeditious: 1. characterized by promptness; quick. Pronunciation:...


What an advert to explain ‘populace’! In fact, what an advert to explain ‘populace in motion’! Populace means the ‘the general public, the masses’ and those are pretty well illustrated by this ad. Meaning of Populace: 1. The general public; the masses. 2. A...


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