

So many times we are asked whether a given number is divisible by some number or not. How do we check that? For smaller numbers it is easier for us to answer, but what if we are asked whether 539274921294 is divisible by a random number, say 3, or 5, or 17? How do we...
Cubes and Cube Roots

Square Roots

In the previous article, we discussed squares, its importance and properties related to squares. But what are square roots? Let us learn about square roots. Definition: The square root of a number x is that number which when multiplied by itself gives x as the...
Cubes and Cube Roots


In the previous articles, we learnt about an irrational number. But what is a Surd? In this article we will get to know more about Surds and its applications. Definition: An irrational number with root (square root, cube root, etc.) is called a surd. For example: ,...


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