Daily Reads-2020: Article-34

Daily Reads-2020: Article-34

Article Title: Censorship wins no arguments and just helps the right   Article Summary   An interesting article on censorship. The main idea it conveys is that banning the Daily Mail from Virgin trains achieves nothing but giving it a dissident glamour it...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-33

Daily Reads-2020: Article-33

Article Title: Bridging the many interpretations of the Ramayana across Southeast Asia and India   Article Summary   If there is one line that sums up this article, it is the last line in the passage: These local innovations are further evidence of a long...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-32

Daily Reads-2020: Article-32

Article Title: The modern problem with pursuing perfection   Article Summary   The article looks into a study on perfectionism and its potential negative effects on the mental health of a person with the trait. The researcher used a test called...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-31

Daily Reads-2020: Article-31

Article Title: Pakoranomics: Besanlal’s micro-view on budget macro-issues   Article Summary BachiK arkaria in this sarcastic article gives us a fresh perspective about the Budget through the spicy words of Besanlal Bhajiawala. He explained some macro – economic...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-30

Daily Reads-2020: Article-30

Article Title: Let’s wrench power back from the billionaires   Article Summary   Bernie Sanders writes about the problem of income inequality around the world and its ill-effects. He elaborates on the growing billionaire culture which depends on flashy...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-29

Daily Reads-2020: Article-29

Article Title: Live life in a moderate and balanced manner   Article Summary   This article focuses on the importance of Balance of everything in our life. The author starts with how Balance in various aspects of life is conducive to smoothness and happiness...