Daily Reads-2020: Article-28

Daily Reads-2020: Article-28

Article Title: What do you really believe? Take the Truth-Demon Test   Article Summary   Aeon is one of our favourite resources for philosophy articles and this is one perfect example of the kind of advanced reading that you need to undertake for diversity...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-27

Daily Reads-2020: Article-27

Article Title: The Populist Right Isn’t Fighting, It’s Surrendering   Article Summary   The article at hand elucidates, with political examples, why the author thinks the populist right faction is freely surrendering instead of trying for victory in current...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-26

Daily Reads-2020: Article-26

Article Title: My Patriot Versus Yours   Article Summary   This article discusses the author’s opinions on the article Patriotism v/s jingoism written by RamachandraGuha (Indian historian). The author expresses that although he has always admired Mr. Guha’s...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-25

Daily Reads-2020: Article-25

Article Title: Car ownership must become a relic of the past   Article Summary   The article at issue speaks at length on why it is time to renounce private car ownership. According to reports and personal experience, Indian metropolises are nightmares of...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-24

Daily Reads-2020: Article-24

Article Title: There Are Two Types of Airport People   Article Summary   The article at hand tries to explore the psychological, and not just superficial, differences between people who arrive hours early and people who arrive in the nick of time for...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-23

Daily Reads-2020: Article-23

Article Title: What Findings Do Skeptical Psychologists Still Believe In?   Article Summary   In this article, the author states there is a problem in the field of psychological science: a lot of the results yielded by studies of the past are not holding up...