Daily Reads-2020: Article-4

Daily Reads-2020: Article-4

Article Title: Why does it feel good to see someone fail?   Article Summary In this review, the author offers unique insights into the emotion of Schadenfreude – which literally means “harm-joy” in German; a pleasure people derive from the misfortune of...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-3

Daily Reads-2020: Article-3

Article Title: Photo, uploaded: Of course your face is your favourite, what if you can’t trust it anymore? Article Summary This tongue in cheek article on the far-reaching impact of facial recognition software makes the point about how our face can fake various...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-2

Daily Reads-2020: Article-2

Article Title: If we want a different politics, we need another revolutionary: Freud Article Summary: The author of the passage begins the article with a positive description of Karl Marx and how she looks up to him. If you do not know who Karl Marx is, then it is...
Daily Reads-2020: Article-1

Daily Reads-2020: Article-1

Article Title: Was 2018 a turning point for women? Yes, it exposed what we’re up against Article Summary: If you want to know about some of the most talked-about instances of 2018 which are related to women’s rights and feminism this is a must-read article. (Do click...