Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Guardian’ Article Name:’Myths about rape conviction rates are putting people off going to the police’ By: ‘Amanda Bancroft’ Such discourse about rape is always discussed over a cup of coffee, but what...
Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Reading Suggestions: Day 264

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’ Article Name:’Women and men at work’ By: ‘TOI’ Yes, women try to do everything flawlessly, to say brilliantly well. However, agreeing with the article, this zeal has been taken too far with...
Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Reading Suggestions: Day 263

Recommendation 1 from ‘The NY Times’ Article Name:’Sex discrimination and medical leaves’ By: ‘Editorial’ There should be a provision when it comes to workers taking leaves for personal reasons. It is also a worker’s right because...
Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Reading Suggestions: Day 262

Recommendation 1 from ‘The NY Times’ Article Name:’Turkey’s challenges’ By: ‘Editorial’ Success of any country is obviously determined by it economics, but one criterion that cannot be left out is that the country and its...
Reading Suggestions: Day 266

Reading Suggestions: Day 261

Recommendation 1 from ‘The NY Times’ Article Name:’Enabling Egypt’s military rulers’ By: ‘Editorial’ Looking at it, its America’s internal matter, but on the other hand one country not granting basic freedoms and then supporting...
Reading Suggestions: Day 260

Reading Suggestions: Day 260

Recommendation 1 from ‘The NY Times’ Article Name:’A picture of language’ By: ‘Kitty Burns Florey’ As the article goes on to show the things with the help of the diagrams, at first it is difficult to understand, but on understanding...
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