Reading Suggestions: Day 176

Reading Suggestions: Day 176

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Economic Times’ Article Name:’Washroom advertising: The new and bold way to establish a brand’ By: ‘Rajiv Singh’ Her reputation for reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess...
Reading Suggestions: Day 175

Reading Suggestions: Day 175

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’ Article Name:’The mobility of information’ By: ‘Monobina Gupta’ It was amazing how many books one could fit into a room, assuming one didn’t want to move around very much. : Brandon...
Reading Suggestions: Day 174

Reading Suggestions: Day 174

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’ Article Name:’Asking the wrong questions’ By: ‘Salman Kurshid’ To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains or history, human variety, ideas,...
Reading Suggestions: Day 173

Reading Suggestions: Day 173

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Times of India’ Article Name:’The meaning of karma’ By: ‘Daisaku Ikeda’ Ido not read a book; I hold a conversation with the author. : Elbert Hubbar Summary: The article is about karma, which according to...
Reading Suggestions: Day 176

Reading Suggestions: Day 172

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Telegraph’ Article Name:’Are There Really Demons in Judaism?’ By: ‘J. Bryan Lowder’ The mystical possessions Summary: The article is about the mystical topic of possessions and demons in Judaism. Talking of movies and books...
Reading Suggestions: Day 175

Reading Suggestions: Day 171

Recommendation 1 from ‘The Newyorker’ Article Name:’MUGGLEMARCH’ By: ‘Editors’ The Rowling effect Summary: The article offers an insight into JK Rowling’s next novel, briefly discussing it’s plot, character, setting and it’s...