Reading Suggestions: Day 158

Reading Suggestions: Day 158

Recommendation 1 from ‘CNN’ Article Name:‘Speak up for your planet’ By: Jennifer Morgan The time we have to cut emissions to avoid the worst consequences of climate change is running short. The stakes are high. Summary: A detailed summary of the recent UN meet...
Reading Suggestions: Day 157

Reading Suggestions: Day 157

Recommendation 1 from ‘The New York Times’ Article Name:’Inequality is holding back the recovery’ By: ‘Joseph E.Stiglitz’ The blockquote you want align right Summary: The article states that after the winning back of elections by...
Reading Suggestions: Day 156

Reading Suggestions: Day 156

Recommendation 1 from ‘Times of India (Crest Edition)’ Article Name:’Now to set the house in order’ By: ‘Paul Rudnik’ In other words, any woman dressed “immodestly” is part of the problem because she seems to be attracting...
Reading Suggestions: Day 156

Reading Suggestions: Day 155

Recommendation 1 from ‘Project Syndicate’ Article Name:’A new year of Global Conflict’ By: ‘Ian Bremmer’ The greatest risk for 2013 is large-scale economic conflict in Asia, which would not only harm the countries directly involved,...
Reading Suggestions: Day 157

Reading Suggestions: Day 154

Recommendation 1 from ‘Times of India Blogs’ Article Name:Rough Justice’ By: ‘Jug Suraiya’ It’s not only the criminals who violate women who are in the dock. In a collective sense, so are all of us. And the rage we feel towards them...
Reading Suggestions: Day 157

Reading Suggestions: Day 153

Recommendation 1 from ‘Psychology Blog’ Article Name:’Facebook Addiction’ By: ‘Editorial’ It seems we live in an age of paranoia about what the Internet is doing to our minds. Summary: An interesting article on how internet is making us...