

Mnemonic aid to learn lucrative: Lucrative can be easily learnt by associating it with two words look and creative and we can say it like, if you look creative, you have more chances of earning good amount of money. And lucrative also means a business that is...


Mnemonic aid to learn longevity: Longevity can be learnt easily by breaking it into two parts long + evity and it can be written in this way to mean that something has a long life .e.g. long + evity of carpet. Pronunciation: lon-jev-i-tee, lawn- Meaning of longevity:...


Indifference (noun) is the trait of lacking interest or enthusiasm in things. When you feel indifference for something, you neither like it nor dislike it. Pronunciation: in-dif-er-uh ns Origin of Indifference: First known use of indifference was in 15th century....


Inanimate ( Adj) describes a non-living thing. Books, Chairs, baseballs, sofa, and cushions are all inanimate objects. Pronunciation: in-an-uh-mit Origin of Inanimate Inanimate is derived from Latin “inanimatus” which means ‘lifeless’, from in-...


Mnemonic aid to learn hostile: Hostile can be learnt easily by associating it with the word hostel as these two words somewhat sound similar. Further, we can also say that some students are really hostile in hostels. Pronunciation: hos-tl or, especially Brit., -tahyl...


You know how cassettes and floppy disks are no longer used, as we have CDs and those tiny pen drives! Well, things no longer in use due to the advent of new technology have fallen into obsolescence. It is a Noun. Origin: Its first usage dates back to 1820-30 and seems...


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