

Mnemonic Tip to Learn Universal Universal is quite similar to universe and universe means comprising everything .So, relate universal to universe ,meaning a thing applicable to everything or suitable for all. Universal describes something for everything or everyone....


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Underwrite The meaning of the word is somewhat clear from the word itself-underwrite or write under; a document or a financial statement to guarantee something . An underwriter refers to a person typically works for a lender and helps them by...


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Taint Taint and faint sound quite similar. So remember a situation wherein a person fainted because he ate food that was tainted(impure). Taint means to contaminate. If your water supply is tainted with arsenic, you should stop drinking it right...


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Nurture The debate of nature Vs nurture has been on for centuries .So use the phrase “nature versus nurture” to help you remember the word. Nature is what a baby is just out of the womb. Nurture is how that baby is raised or taken...


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Originate The part origin of the word originate can be quite helpful in learning the word. Origin means the place or phenomena of something new starting. An instance can be also used-We all know about the grim menace of dowry being practiced a...


Mnemonic Tip to Learn Plight The word is quite similar to the word flight which is a difficult condition (plight) for first time flyers. A plight is a situation that’s hard to get out of. You’ll usually hear the word plight for groups of people or animals...


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