
Cataract(noun) in medical refers to the disease that involves opacification of the eye lens. Apart from the medical usage, the word also refers to a gigantic waterfall or a pelter. The brobdingnagian amount of water falling from higher up is referred to as cataract in...


Assoil(verb) means that a person has been acquitted of criminal charges. It refers to pardoning of wrong doings. A felon can atone for his sins by doing some community service or other good deeds. Likewise, if false charges are filed against a person the judge...


Apparat (noun) is used to describe an organisation or an official body; especially one which is political in nature. It may also be used to denote the hitherto present hierarchy. It is a Russian word which literally means apparatus and its use in English language is...


Amphigory(noun) is used to denote a piece of writing that is hokum. It may be a ramblingly written text or a charade which is an absolute guff. These are often written to mock a serious piece of writing but end up being rubbish. Pronunciation: am-fu-go-ree Meanings of...


Agelast(noun) is used to describe a person who never laughs. There are a few persons who are always grim and mirthless and never find anything amusing. Such persons may find jokes offensive instead of taking them in the right spirit thus causing trouble....


Alembic(noun) in literal terms is an obsolete apparatus used for distillation. It consists of two retorts connected by a tube. Technically alembic is the top lid on the container but is used to refer to the whole apparatus. Metaphorically, the word can be used for...


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