Words of and about Hair

Words of and about Hair

This post has one and only one focus: hair! Here we cover the different aspects of having hair, having a lot of hair, having no hair and losing the hair you have! We would also include the common hair-related medical issues that we face. Now you would have great words...
Words of and about Hair

Words Based on Root ‘Phile’ -3

‘Phile’ is an interesting word root (which is used as suffix and prefix as well). This root is super-interesting, for it is one which is based on ‘love’ and talks only of ‘love’. Well, love is one thing that fascinates mankind and you would be surprised that we have...
Words of and about Hair

Words Based on Root ‘Phile’ -2

‘Phile’ is an interesting word root (which is used as suffix and prefix as well). This root is super-interesting, for it is one which is based on ‘love’ and talks only of ‘love’. Well, love is one thing that fascinates mankind and you would be surprised that we have...
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