Types of economic markets

Why this section? Well, I have not posted in this section for some time but it is never too late to revive a section, is it? The post for today focuses on 4 types of markets and how they operate. It is a cliché but at the risk of quoting something banal, I would like...

Purple Passages and Patches

Why this section? There is no stop to learning, is there? And what I learned today comes from a reading a book of essays by George Orwell. The book, titled ‘Why I Write’, is featured in the Penguin Great Ideas Series and I believe is a must read for anyone who wishes...

What is a Parthian Shot?

Why this section? It all started with a simple newsletter I received from Sesquiotica (a blog on words that does some up with some crazy words). The post in question, on the innocuous little usage of the phrase per se, used one phrase that got my curiosity going:...


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