Fus Root Word

Fus Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Fus Root Word Derived from a Latin word, Fus means to pour. There are multiple words based on this root word Fus. For example, confusion means a person being flooded with too much information that is hard to make sense of; fuse means to melt...
Funct Root Word

Funct Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Funct Root Word The Funct root word is derived from a Latin root word. Funct root word means no longer working or alive. There are multiple words based on this root word Funct. For instance, function means to work or perform a role normally...
Form Root Word

Form Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Form Root Word The root word Form is taken from Latin word, conformity meaning correspondence in form, manner, or character or “a shape”. For instance, formation means something that is formed and reformatory is something intended for...
Fus Root Word

Fore Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Fore Root Word The root word Fore means in front of, previous, earlier. There are multiple words based on this root word Fore. For instance, forebear is an ancestor, To forebode is to give an advance warning of something bad and forecast is a...
Funct Root Word

Flor(a) Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Flor(a) Root Word The root word Flor(a) is derived from latin, meaning flower. There are multiple words based on this root word Flor(a). When you need to buy a bouquet, you go to a florist : someone working with flowers. In the same way,...
Form Root Word

Flect Root Word

Definition & Meaning: Flect Root Word The root word flect comes from latin, and means ‘bend’. There are multiple words based on this root word flect. For instance, let’s see a few words: deflect means to bend course because of hitting something. inflection means a...


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