Word Root: Exo

Word Root: Exo

Definition & Meaning: Exo Word Root The root word Exo is derived from the Greek word meaning “outside.” Many words incorporating this root are used in modern technical and scientific contexts. Exceptions include words like exotic, which comes from the...
Word Root: Fer

Word Root: Fer

Definition & Meaning: Fer Word Root The root word Fer is derived from the Latin word confer, which means to bring an honour to someone, or to carry, bring, or bear something. This versatile root forms the basis of many words in the English language, each conveying...
Word Root: Exo

Word Root: Fid

Definition & Meaning: Fid Word Root The Latin root word Fid means faith. This root forms the basis of numerous words that convey concepts of trust and faithfulness. For example, confide means to place trust in someone, fidelity means faithfulness, and a fiduciary...
Word Root: Flect

Word Root: Flect

Definition & Meaning: Flect Word Root The root word Flect comes from Latin, and means ‘bend’. This root is fundamental in a variety of English words, all of which involve the concept of bending or flexing.For instance, let’s see a few words: Deflect: To bend...
Word Root: Flect

Word Root: Flor(a)

Definition & Meaning: Flor(a) Word Root The root word “Flor(a)” is derived from Latin, meaning flower. This root is the basis for multiple words related to flowers and plant life. For instance, when you need to buy a bouquet, you go to a florist:...
Word Root: Fer

Word Root: Fore

Definition & Meaning: Fore Word Root The root word Fore means “in front of,” “previous,” or “earlier.” This prefix is commonly found in words that convey the sense of something being ahead or preceding in time. For example, a...