Word Root: Form

Word Root: Form

Definition & Meaning: Form Word Root The root word “Form” is derived from the Latin word “conformity,” meaning correspondence in Form , manner, or character or “a shape.” Understanding this root can help decipher numerous words...
Word Root: Funct

Word Root: Funct

Understanding the Funct Word Root The root word Funct is derived from the Latin word ‘functus,’ which means ‘to perform’ or ‘to execute.’ It conveys the idea of performing a task or duty, and its derivatives often relate to...
Word Root: Fus

Word Root: Fus

Definition & Meaning: Fus Word Root The root word Fus, derived from Latin, means “to pour.” This root is the foundation of various words that convey the idea of pouring or flowing. For instance, confusion describes a state where too much information is...
Word Root: Form

Word Root: Greg

Definition & Meaning: Greg Root Word No man is an island; rather, we are social beings, and the root word “Greg” signifies that essence. Derived from the Latin word “grex,” which means ‘a group or a herd,’ the Greg root...
Word Root: Fus

Word Root: Homo

Definition & Meaning: Homo Word Root Root Words are the building blocks of a word. Do you know what is common among the following words: homogeneous, homophobe, homogeny? The answer is: Homo Root Word. The word root ‘homo’ comes from the Greek word Homos, which...
Word Root: Fus

Word Root: Fus

Definition & Meaning: Fus Word Root Derived from a Latin word, Fus means to pour. There are multiple words based on this Word Root Fus. For example, confusion means a person being flooded with too much information that is hard to make sense of; fuse means to melt...