

Word Origin for Novice : The word Novice came into English through word, novicius “, which means “newly imported, inexperienced “. Novice can be remembered with NO WISE. Person who is new to work is not expert from Day 1 as it takes time learn skills....


Man is always said to chase lofty dreams; in a way, we are wired to do so. Lofty, meaning high in rank, style or physical height, implies achievement of a certain elevated position. The word is used often in the non-physical sense, signifying heights of achievement or...


Word Origin for Banish: The word banish came into English through the old French word, banir, which means “levy; forbid; banish, proclaim an outlaw”. The way to learn this word is pretty straightforward actually. Just remember the word ‘ban’. Banish means...


Meanings of Depict: 1. to show an image of somebody or something in a picture 2. to describe something in words; give an impression of something in words Pronunciation: de•pic•t (dɪˈpɪkt) Master’s Tip to Learn Depict: DEPICT can be learned by breaking and making the...


This is a heavy word, accompanied with a heavy quotation, and having very heavy implications. A word used to represent a political system, oligarchy is used in negative context, like the usage above. In the given quote, the author goes on to talk about three form of...


There cannot be a greater truth than the one stated in the picture, can there be? War can only lead to the extinction of men, in other words, make man obsolete. Obsolete comes from the Latin root, ‘obsolesc-’, meaning to wear out or grow out. In the given context, we...


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