

The quote above is the perfect illustration for the word. It is actually a pretty poignant statement, point out a discrepancy in human behavior. Humans, at times, tend to become stubborn and opinionated when they actually need to listen to others. The dog in the...


Mnemonic Aid to Learn Vacillate: You have to agree with us when we say that vacillate sounds like Oscillate and this is what you need to remember in order to learn the meaning of this word. Meanings of Vacillate: 1. To waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or...


Sanguine is a word that comes to use form Old French sanguin, itself from Latin sanguineus. Both the Old French and Latin words meant “bloody,” “blood-colored”. The French word sanguin transformed to our modern day English word Sanguine. In...


Mnemonic Tip for Solace: The pain was “SO LESS” when I was solaced. By this we mean that the level of pain and stress decreases when one receives solace. You could identify the word solace with your best friend who is always there to comfort you and console you in...


These are seriously sour-deeds, deeds which are better when avoided! Sordid represents that kind of vileness and filth we are all afraid of. If we draw a mental picture of it, sordid tales are the ones that are featured in newspapers all the times. There are days when...


Bigots are obstinate believers and they stick to their guns come what may. Bigot is a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong, in most cases this beliefs are religious beliefs and a bigot is...


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