

Shouting in an Echo? Reverberating may be the resounding of voice in an echo, or continuity in reflection of light. Pronunciation: ri-vur-buh-reyt; adj. ri-vur-ber-it The dictionary definitions of Reverberating are as follows: 1. To become reflected 2. To become...


Overweening in Context: In the given context, overweening shows Rupert Mudoch’s influence and how it forced a prime minister to flow out to meet him. Obviously, this word can be negative only. And remember, the word ‘over’ is always used as a negative suffix. For...


Renege in Context: People often do this. At times it becomes part of their nature: to renege agreements, promises and like. Barack Obama has done it and that is what the paragraph highlights. He has backed down on a few of his promises, in other words, he has reneged...


Litany in Context: Litanies are pretty common. Need to see one? Be on the lookout for a girlfriend going after her boyfriend. What ensues in the conversation is a long list of complaints that just does not seem to end. It goes on and on, it is a recital of sorts. That...


Maxim, proverb, gnome, aphorism, apothegm, sententia–all mean the same thing: they represent a short, easily remembered expression of a basic principle, general truth, or rule of conduct. They are essentially nuggets of wisdom served to you in a short and sweet...


Obscurantism is word that comes to us from the word obscure. Obscure, we all know, means to make things less visible or clear. It is making things hazy. And obscurantism is a policy of opposition to enlightenment or the spread of knowledge, that is to make knowledge...


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