XAT Preparation: In Depth Guide to Help You Prepare for XAT

Well, all the major exams of the season are done now, and you should have your eyes/attention firmly focused on the last challenge for this exam season: XAT-2019. Before we begin with the actual strategy piece dealing with XAT preparation, I want you to keep the...

XAT Decision Making: Free Online Course

Hi there. Welcome to this course on XAT Decision Making. In this series of articles on this topic, we cover every aspect related to the topic, one step at a time. Also, these articles will be accompanied by a series of tests, based on previous year XAT questions and...

Approach for XAT Decision Making: Stakeholder Analysis

Approach for XAT Decision Making Questions: Stakeholder Analysis Welcome to this second article in this free XAT Decision Making Course! In case you feel we are running behind schedule, you do not need to worry as decision making is a topic that can be covered in a...

XAT Decision Making: Ethical Dilemma Questions

XAT Decision Making: How to approach Ethical Dilemma Questions? Ethical dilemmas make a frequent appearance in the XAT decision-making section and these questions can leave you in quite a tangle for one simple reason: ethical standards vary person to person and there...

XAT Decision Making: Test-1

This test provides you a glimpse with respect to the approach for XAT Decision-Making questions. Once you solve the decision-making test, make sure you go through the explanations carefully. This will help you identify the approach you need to take for these...
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