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difference between breach and breechTwo words with similar spelling and similar pronunciation, but when it comes to their meaning, they have a sea of difference.

Breach is an opening made by breaking down something solid; such as, a gap made in a wall or fortification: “There was a breach in several places of the levee due to the floods.”
It also refers to a breaking or the neglect (of a law, a trust, etc.); an infraction or infringement: “For the guard to leave now would be a breach of duty.”

Breech refers to the lower rear portion of the human trunk; the behind, posterior; hind part: “A breech is an old-fashioned word for the ‘backside’ of the body.”
It also refers to opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded

Tool tip to remember the difference:

Just Remember: Substitute a K for the CH in “breach” to remind you that the word has to do with breakage.

Examples of incorrect uses of Breach and Breech:

1. Anything beyond that was considered a breech of duty.
2. Breach of the gun had to be loaded frequently.

Examples of correct uses of Breach and Breech:

1. The suit is claiming breach of contract.
2. Shells must be loaded with hands into the breech of the gun.

A Quick Recap:

Breach is an opening made by breaking down something solid; such as, a gap made in a wall or fortification: “There was a breach in several places of the levee due to the floods.”
It also refers to a breaking or the neglect (of a law, a trust, etc.); an infraction or infringement: “For the guard to leave now would be a breach of duty.”
Breech refers to the lower rear portion of the human trunk; the behind, posterior; hind part: “A breech is an old-fashioned word for the ‘backside’ of the body.”
It also refers to opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded


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