
Why join our course for Daily Reads alone?

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Before we get started with why you should join our course for this single feature itself, let me explain to you what the Daily Reads feature is all about.


You need Reading Help!

To develop your reading habit, you need as much help as possible. It is easy to say you should read regularly but what exactly should you read? How should you search for CAT-level articles and content? And how do you get the daily motivation to read? This is where we come in: we provide you links, we share them daily with you, and there is a motivational line or two to push you to read. Remember, this happens daily!

Well, what exactly is so special ‘Daily Reads’ section all about?

The aspect which sets these reading links apart is the reading assistance we offer, in the form of doubt solving for these articles. Have a look at some of the screenshots for the discussions that take place for these articles. Remember, these happen on a daily basis.



With the help of these discussions, we clarify the important concepts, ideas, and challenging portions that are part of these articles. Any student who commits himself to this activity on a regular basis is surely going to improve as a reader and expand his knowledge base rapidly.

Summing it up:
Key qualities of our Daily Reads section:

And this is the reason why I said right at the start: The Daily Reads section is a reason in itself to join the course.

This wraps up this article detailing our most-loved section.

Well, what are you waiting for? Every day you delay joining this course, you miss a Daily Reads!


*Names have been hidden to protect the privacy of our course learners.


What are you waiting for? Join the CAT-2018 Course now!

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