• These tests are a check for your learning and are meant to serve as tools for assessment.
  • The test is designed to check your current understanding of the language and whether you are able to logically co-relate different parts of a paragraph.
  • Directions for individual questions: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

Para Jumbles:Test-4

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Question 1
1. What does the state do in a country where tax morality is very low?
A. It tries to spy upon the taxpayers.
B. It investigates income sources and spending patterns.
C. Exactly what the tax authority tries to do now even if inconsistently.
D. It could also encourage people to denounce to the tax authorities any conspicuously prosperous neighbours who may be suspected of not paying their taxes properly.
6. The ultimate solution would be an Orwellian System.
Question 1 Explanation: 
We identify BA or AB is the mandatory pairs, as both of them answer the question asked in the first sentence.
Thus, we are left with two options A and C. A is the last sentence in the group as it summarizes the efforts put by the tax authorities.
Hence, A is the answer
Question 2
1. The fragile Yugoslav State has uncertain future.
A. Thus there will surely be chaos and uncertainty if the people fail to settle their differences.
B. Sharp ideological differences already exist in the country.
C. Ethnic, regional, linguistic and material disparities are profound.
D. The country will also lose the excellent reputation it enjoyed in the international arena.
6. At worst, it will once more become vulnerable to international conspiracy and intrigue.
Question 2 Explanation: 
Statement A uses 'thus' to show the effect of the disparities in Yugoslavia mentioned in Statement B,
while Statement C should follow the two.
Statement D uses the phrase 'will also' thus showing that it should follow A.
Question 3
1. It is significant that one of the most common objections to competition is that it is blind.
A. This is important because in a system of free enterprise based on private property chances are not equal and is indeed a strong case for reducing that inequality of opportunity.
B. Rather it is a choice between a system where it is the will of a few persons that decides who is to get what and one where it depends at least partly on the ability and the enterprise of the people concerned.
C. Although competition and justice may have little else in common, it is as much a commendation of competition as of justice that it is no respecter of the persons.
D. The choice today is not between a system in which everybody will get what he deserves according to some universal standard and one where individual shares are determined by chance or goodwill.
6. The fact that opportunities open to the poor in a competitive society are much more restricted than those open to the rich, does not make it less true that in such a society the poor are more free than a person commanding much greater material comfort in s different type of society.
Question 3 Explanation: 
Statement C makes comparison between competition and justice.
Statement D states what the choice is 'not between', and Statement B by using 'rather' shows that is should follow Statement D. Statement A continues with the idea and leads to 6.
Also DB is a mandatory pair and hence, the only option left is A.
Question 4
1. The necessity for regional integration in South Asia is underlined by the very history of the last 45 years since the liquidation of the British Empire in this part of the world.
A. After the partition of the Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan was formed in that very which the imperial powers had always marked out as the potential base for operations against the Russian power in Central Asia.
B. Because of the disunity and ill-will among the South Asian neighbors, particular India and Pakistan, the great powers from outside the area could meddle into their affairs and thereby keep neighbors apart.
C. It needs to be added that it was the bountiful supply of sophisticated arms that emboldened Pakistan to go for war like bellicosity towards India.
D. As a part of the cold war strategy of the U.S , Pakistan was sucked into Washington’ s military alliance spreading over the years.
6. Internally too, it was the massive induction of American arms into Pakistan which empowered the military junta of that country to stuff out the civilian government and destroy democracy in Pakistan.
Question 4 Explanation: 
Statement A starts with the mention of the last 45 years,
B states how external powers tried to control the region while Statement D continues with the idea.
Statement C talks about the supply of arms to Pakistan,
an idea that is continued in 6. Hence, option B is the right choice.
Question 5
1. Commercial energy consumption shows an increasing trend and poses a major challenge for the future.
A. The demand for petroleum during 1996-97 and 2006-07 is anticipated to 81 million tons and 125 million tons respectively.
B. According to the projections of the 14th power Survey Committee Report, the electricity generation requirements from utilities will be about 415 billion units by 1996-97 and 824 billion units by 2006-07.
C. The production of coal should reach 303 million tons by 1996-97 to achieve plan targets and 460 million tons by 2006-07.
D. The demand for petroleum products has already outstripped indigenous production.
6. Electricity is going to play a major role in the development of infrastructural facilities.
Question 5 Explanation: 
Statement D introduces the problem related to the petroleum products.
Statement A represents statistics to support it.
Statement B talks about electricity, an idea which is continued in 6.
Hence, option A is the right choice.
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