• RC forms an important part of the verbal ability section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Once you are finished, click the ‘Get Results’ button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect.


I was at the shop early. He was standing behind the counter and as soon as I saw him, I knew that there would be some unpleasantness. Higsonis never at his best unshaven, in slippers and braces and smoking on an empty stomach. The atmosphere of the little shop was heavy with the bitter odor of fresh newspaper’s print and ink: stacks of crisp newspapers and magazines lay neatly on the counter, and Higson and the boy were making up the daily mend.

RC (Level-1) Passage-14

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
At the shop, Mr.Higson appeared:
to be enjoying his smoke.
in his most slipshod condition.
a shoddy and disagreeable state
in a strange ponderous mood
Question 1 Explanation: 
Refer to the lines: He was standing behind the counter and as soon as I saw him, I knew that there would be some unpleasantness. Higson is never at his best unshaven, in slippers and braces and smoking on an empty stomach. It is clear from these lines that Mr.Higsonwas not maintaining his best appearance for the day and something was off with his behaviour. This helps us identify option (c) as the correct answer. Option (b) is not right as we cannot say that Mr. Higson was in his most slipshod condition. This becomes an extreme answer option in the given case.
Question 2
The overall atmosphere in the shop was
Pleasant, wholesome and welcome.
Heavy with a lot of goods placed there
With the inactivity of the early morning
Congenial and businesslike
Question 2 Explanation: 
The overall atmosphere in the shop was heavy with a lot of goods placed there The author describes it to us by writing about bitter odor of newspapers ink, stacks of papers and magazines, etc. to give us a feel of that place.
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