• RC forms an important part of the verbal ability section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Once you are finished, click the ‘Get Results’ button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect.


Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a note book, and a bundle of Palmyrawriting. His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks.

RC (Level-1) Passage-7

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
From the description of this passage one can make out the person to be a
snake charmer
footpath vendor
Question 1 Explanation: 
As the person takes out his equipment which includes mystic charts, we can say that he’s a astrologer. Words like ‘Palmyrawriting’, ‘prophetic’ also hint towards the same.
Question 2
The eyes of the person described sparkled because
he was sitting under midday sun
he was always looking for possible clients
his forehead was bright with ash and vermilion
he was full of joy
Question 2 Explanation: 
It is stated in the paragraph that his eyes sparkled as he looked for possible customers. So, the correct option is option (b).
Question 3
The person opened his bag
to search for something he needed
to indicate the start of his work
to take out things for display
both (B) and (C)
Question 3 Explanation: 
Refer to the first line of the paragraph: Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a note book, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. It is clear from these lines that the opening of the bag was for a twin-fold purpose:
a. to indicate that his day had begun
b. to make an ostentatious display of his things.
Question 4
The tone of the description is
Question 4 Explanation: 
The author has described the paragraph without any bias. He has taken no side. So, we can say that the passage is neutral.
Question 5
What does the word ‘whisker’ mean in context of the passage?
A faint noise
A very small distance or space
A long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals.
None of the above
Question 5 Explanation: 
Whisker means a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals. Even though option B is one of the meanings of the word, in the given context, the author implies the sentiment in option C.
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