• RC forms an important part of the verbal ability section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
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Read the passage given below and solve the questions based on the passage

To teach is to create a space in which obedience to truth is practiced. Space may sound a vague, poetic metaphor until we realize that it describes experiences of everyday life. We know what it means to be in a green and open field; we know what it means to be on a crowded rush hour bus. These experiences of physical space have parallels in our relations with others. In our jobs, we know what is to be pressed and crowded, our working space diminished by the urgency of deadlines and competitiveness of colleagues. But then there are times when deadlines disappear and colleagues co-operate, when everyone has a space to move, invent and produce, with energy and enthusiasm. With family friends, we know how it feels to have unreasonable demands placed upon us, to be boxed in by the expectations of those nearest to us. But then there are times when we feel accepted for who we are (or forgiven for who we are not), times when a spouse or a child or a friend gives us the space both to be and to become.

Similar experiences of crowding and space are found in education. To sit in a class where the teacher stuffs our minds with information, organizes it with finality, insists on having the answers while being utterly uninterested in our views, and focus us into a grim competition for grades-to sit in such a class is to experience a lack of space for learning. But to study with a teacher who not only speaks but also listens, who not only answers but asks questions and welcomes our insights, who provides information and theories that do not close doors but open new ones, who encourages students to help each other learn- to study with such a teacher is to know the power of a learning space.

A learning space has three essential dimensions: openness, boundaries and an air of hospitality. To create open learning space is to remove the impediments to learning that we find around and within us; we often create them ourselves to evade the challenge of truth and transformation. One source of such impediments is our fear of appearing ignorant to others or to ourselves. The openness of a space is created by the firmness of its boundaries. A learning space cannot extend indefinitely; if it did, it would not be a structure for learning but an invitation for confusion and chaos. When space boundaries are violated, the quality of space suffers. The teacher who wants to create an open learning space must define and defend its boundaries with care. Because the pursuit of truth can be painful and discomforting, the learning space needs to be hospitable. Hospitable means receiving each other, our struggles, our new-born ideas with openness and care. It means creating an ethos in which the community of truth can form and the pain of its transformation be borne. A learning space needs to be hospitable not to make learning painless, but to make painful things possible, things without which no learning can occur-things like exposing ignorance, testing tentative hypotheses, challenging false or partial information, and mutual criticism of thought.

The task of creating learning space with qualities of openness, boundaries and hospitality can be approached at several levels. The most basic level is the physical arrangement of the classroom. Consider the traditional classroom setting with row of chairs facing the lectern where learning space is confined to the narrow alley of attention between each student and teacher. In this space, there is no commodity of truth, hospitality or room for students to relate to the thoughts of each other. Contrast it with the chairs placed in a circular arrangement creating an open space within which learners can interconnect. At another level, the teacher can create conceptual space with words in two ways. One is through assigned reading; the other is through lecturing, assigned reading, not in the form of speed reading several hundred pages but contemplative reading which opens, not fills, our learning space. A teacher can also create a learning space by means of lectures. By providing critical information and a framework of interpretation, a lecturer can lay down boundaries within which learning occurs.

We also create learning space through the kind of speech we utter and the silence from which true speech emanates. Speech is a precious gift and a vital too, but too often our speaking is an evasion of truth, a way of buttressing our self-serving reconstructions of reality. Silence must therefore be an integral part of learning space. In silence, more than in arguments, our mind made world falls away and we are open to the truth that seeks us. Words often divide us, but silence can unite. Finally, teachers must also create emotional space in the class-room, space that allows feelings to arise and be dealt with because submerged feelings can undermine learning. In an emotionally honest learning space, one created by a teacher who does not fear dealing with feelings, the community of truth can flourish between us and we can flourish in it.

RC (Level-2): Passage-1

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Your answers are highlighted below.
Question 1
Which of the following statements best describes the author’s conception of learning space?
Where the teacher is friendly.
Where there is no grim competition for grades.
Where the students are encouraged to learn about space.
Where the teacher provides information and theories which open new doors and encourages students to help each other learn.
Question 1 Explanation: 
The author's conception of learning space has been described as where the teacher provides the information and theories and even encourages the students to learn with coordination with each other. This makes option D as the right answer choice.
Question 2
The statement ‘the openness of a space is created by the firmness of its boundaries’, appears contradictory. Which of the following statements provides the best justification for the proposition?
We cannot have a space without boundaries.
Bounded space is highly structured.
When space boundaries are violated, the quality of space suffers.
A teacher can effectively defend a learning space without boundaries.
Question 2 Explanation: 
According to the author, the openness of space can be created by the firmness of its boundaries. This can be found in the third paragraph of the passage where the author states that a learning space has three essential dimensions; openness, boundaries and an air of hospitality.
Refer to the line: A learning space cannot extend indefinitely; if it did, it would not be a structure for learning but an invitation for confusion and chaos. When space boundaries are violated, the quality of space suffers.
This is a factual question and the answer can be directly found from the lines above. Hence, option C is the right choice.
Question 3
According to the author, learning is a painful process because:
it exposes our ignorance
our views and hypotheses are challenged
it involves criticizing the views of others
all of the above reasons
Question 3 Explanation: 
In the passage, the author clearly states that learning is a painful process because it exposes our ignorance, our views and hypothesis are challenged and it also involves criticizing the views of others. This makes option D as the apt choice.
Refer to this line to identify the answer: A learning space needs to be hospitable not to make learning painless, but to make painful things possible, things without which no learning can occur-things like exposing ignorance, testing tentative hypotheses, challenging false or partial information, and mutual criticism of thought.
Question 4
The task of creating learning space with qualities of openness, boundaries and hospitality is multidimensional. It involves operating at:
psychological and conceptual levels
physical perceptual and behavioral levels
physical, conceptual and emotional levels
conceptual, verbal and sensitive levels
Question 4 Explanation: 
According to the passage, it can be interpreted that the task should be to operate at the physical, emotional and conceptual levels. Refer to the lines: The task of creating learning space with qualities of openness, boundaries and hospitality can be approached at several levels. The most basic level is the physical arrangement of the classroom.....At another level, the teacher can create conceptual space with words in two ways.....Finally, teachers must also create emotional space in the class-room, space that allows feelings to arise and be dealt with because submerged feelings can undermine learning.
Option (D) might confuse you but then there are no ‘sensitive levels’ mentioned in the passage. Hence, the right choice is option C.
Question 5
According to the author, silence must be an integral part of learning space because:
silence helps to unite us with others to create a community of truth.
silent contemplation prepares us to construct our mind-made world
speaking is too often an exercise in the evasion of truth
speaking is too often a way of buttressing our self-serving reconstruction of reality
Question 5 Explanation: 
The author states that silence unites us all and thus helps in creating a community of truth. This can be inferred from the last paragraph of the passage. Refer to the line: Words often divide us, but silence can unite. Option A is the right answer choice.
Question 6
According to the author, an effective teacher does not allow:
feelings to arise within the learning space
silence to become an integral part of the learning space
learning space to be filled by speed-reading of several hundred pages of assigned reading.
violation of learning space boundaries.
Question 6 Explanation: 
According to the passage, an effective teacher is one who does not allow the learning space to be filled by reading of several hundred passages. Refer to the lines: One is through assigned reading; the other is through lecturing, assigned reading, not in the form of speed reading several hundred pages but contemplative reading which opens, not fills, our learning space. Option C is the right choice.
Question 7
Understanding the notion of space in our relations with others is:
to acknowledge the beauty of a poetic metaphor.
exclusively rooted in our experiences of physical space.
to accept a spiritual dimension in our dealings with our peers.
to extend the parallel of physical space to our experiences in daily life.
Question 7 Explanation: 
The author states that understanding the notion of space in our relations with others is to extend the parallel of physical space to our experiences in daily life. Refer to the line: These experiences of physical space have parallels in our relations with others. Hence, option D is the right choice.
Question 8
Another way of describing the author’s notion of learning space can be summarized in the following manner:
It is vital that learning be accompanied by unlearning.
Learning encompasses such elements as courage, dignity and endeavor.
An effective teacher recognizes the value of empathy.
Encourage good learners, discourage indifferent ones.
Question 8 Explanation: 
Refer to the lines: But to study with a teacher who not only speaks but also listens, who not only answers but asks questions and welcomes our insights, who provides information and theories that do not close doors but open new ones, who encourages students to help each other learn- to study with such a teacher is to know the power of a learning space…….In an emotionally honest learning space, one created by a teacher who does not fear dealing with feelings, the community of truth can flourish between us and we can flourish in it.
The word empathy means ‘understanding and entering into another's feelings’. We can see that it perfectly fits the given context. This is where you are required to go beyond the phrasing provided in the passage and employ your wits to figure out the answer in the given case.
Option A is ruled out as unlearning is not mentioned in the passage. Option B is again ruled out as courage, dignity and endeavor do not find a mention in the passage.
Option D implies a negative sentiment. The author does not state that the teacher should adopt a negative approach towards anyone in the class.
Thus, option C is the right answer choice.
Question 9
Conceptual space with words can be created by:
assigned reading and lecturing.
speed reading and written comprehension.
gentle persuasion and deliberate action
creative extrapolation and illustrations.
Question 9 Explanation: 
According to the passage, conceptual space can be created by assigned reading and lecturing. Refer to the lines: One is through assigned reading; the other is through lecturing, assigned reading, not in the form of speed reading several hundred pages but contemplative reading which opens, not fills, our learning space.
Question 10
An emotionally honest learning space can only be created by:
a teacher committed to join the community of truth.
a teacher who is not afraid of confronting feelings.
a teacher who takes care not to undermine the learning process.
a teacher who worships critical silence.
Question 10 Explanation: 
The author states that an emotionally honest learning space can only be created by a teacher who is not at all afraid of dealing with feelings. Refer to the last line of the paragraph: In an emotionally honest learning space, one created by a teacher who does not fear dealing with feelings, the community of truth can flourish between us and we can flourish in it.
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