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  • The test is designed to check your current Grammar levels and provide you an assessment of the same.

Sentence Improvement (Level-3) Test-1

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Question 1
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear. Also, make sure you select the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given.
Today we love, what tomorrow we hate; today we seek, what tomorrow we shun, today we desire, what tomorrow we fear.
Today, we love what tomorrow we hate, today, we seek what tomorrow we shun, today, we desire what tomorrow we fear.
Today we love what tomorrow we hate, today we seek what tomorrow we shun, today we desire what tomorrow we fear.
Today we love what tomorrow we hate; today we seek what tomorrow we shun; today we desire what tomorrow we fear.
Question 1 Explanation: 
In this question, the sentence is divided into three different clauses. Each of these clauses should be separated by a semicolon. Option (D) is the apt choice.
Question 2
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear. Also, make sure you select the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given.
The state of his affairs were such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.
The state of his affairs was such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.
The state of his affairs are such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.
The state of his affairs are such as to cause anxiety to his creditors
Question 2 Explanation: 
Here, in this sentence, the verb should be 'was'. Hence, option 2 is the right choice.
Question 3
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear. Also, make sure you select the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory manager has enjoyed considerable support from they who had previously challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory manager has enjoyed considerable support from them who had previously challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory manager has enjoyed considerable support from he who had previously challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory manager has enjoyed considerable support from those who had previously challenged his leadership.
Surprisingly, given the recent labour problems in the factory, the factory manager has enjoyed considerable support from that who had previously challenged his leadership.
Question 3 Explanation: 
The manager received support from ‘people who had challenged him earlier’. The pronoun required to replace this should be third person plural (as the people who had challenged him would be more than one). ‘Those’ is the correct pronoun to be used here. Hence, the correct answer is option (D).
Question 4
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear. Also, make sure you select the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given.
The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is that it is not always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not that it always a bad thing, it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not that it is always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not it is always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
Question 4 Explanation: 
This is one question that will check your reading skills and being able to read the fine print. A close look at the options explains us the difference.
Sentence A does not carry the appropriate comparison.
Sentence B confuses the pronouns.
Sentence D has a ‘that’ missing.
Question 5
In the question below, there are four statements which express the same idea. Choose the alternative that is most concise and clear. Also, make sure you select the grammatically correct sentence from among the four options given.
A symbiotic relationship develops among the contractors, bureaucracy and the politicians, and by a large number of device, costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated by underhand deals.
A symbiotic relationship develops among contractors, bureaucracy and politicians, costs are artificially escalated with a large number of devices and black money is generated through underhand deals.
A symbiotic relationship develops among contractors, the bureaucracy and the politicians, and by a large number of devices costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated on underhand deals.
A symbiotic relationship develops among the contractors, bureaucracy and politicians, and by large number of device costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated by underhand deals.
Question 5 Explanation: 
Sentence A, C and D commit of using ‘the’ inappropriately. The use of ‘the’ before ‘contractors, bureaucracy and politicians’ is inconsistent in every option except option (b).
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