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Tense vs Tents vs Tens – Confused when to use Tense, Tents, or Tens?

Want to learn the difference Tense, Tents, and Tens? TensevsTentsvsTens is an interesting comparison and you should most certainly learn the difference among these three words.
We teach you when to use Tense, Tents and Tens.

Word 1: Tense (TENS)
Meaning 1: Showing signs of stress or nervous tension.
Example Sentence: On the day of my semester result, I was very tense.

Meaning 2: Any of the forms of verb, which differentiates when an action exists.
Example Sentence: Anything that has already occurred comes under past tense.

Word 2: Tents(TENS)
Meaning 1: A pavilion lodge or shelter often made of canvas, sustained by poles to give temporary shelter to people.
Example Sentence: I had once set up a tent on my trek to Mount Sinai.

Word 3: Tens(TENZ)
Meaning 1: In a group of ten.
Example Sentence: My friend asked me,” I need a change for Rs. 100 in the form of fives and tens.”

Example Sentence using all the words:
I was tense as I had I lost my wallet full of change in the form of fives and tens while setting up a tent on a mountain.

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