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reading comprehensions for CAT

  • Reading comprehension questions involve reading of a passage of about 300 – 600 words and deriving answers from the passage content..
  • RCs forms an important part of the English Language section. This section mainly focuses on to check the ability to understand the language and the underlying concept of the passage. The main focus should be to have a good command over the language as well as time management.
  • Make sure you attempt these passage on a regular basis and with complete seriousness.
  • Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
  • Once you are finished, click the ‘Get Results’ button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect.

RC Passage

All attempts to detect oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars have been unsuccessful, and it can be concluded that the amount of oxygen is not more than one-thousandth part of the amount in the Earth’s atmosphere. Indirect evidence of oxygen is provided by the ruddy colour of Mars, which is unique among the heavenly bodies. This red colour is suggestive of rocks that have been completely oxidized and it may be contrasted with the grey or brownish colour of the rocks on the Moon, which have remained unoxidised because of the absence of oxygen. It appears probable that Mars may be a planet where the weathering of rocks followed by their oxidation, has resulted in the almost complete depletion of oxygen from the atmosphere.

CDS RC: Passage-30

Question 1
The amount of oxygen available in the atmosphere of Mars is
probably very small
none at all
a thousand times more than that in the earth's atmosphere
about as much as there is in the Moon's atmosphere
Question 1 Explanation: 
From the line mentioned ‘ can be concluded that the amount of oxygen is not more than one-thousandth part of the amount in the Earth's atmosphere..’,
Question 2
The reason suggested by the writer for the difference in colour between the rocks on Mars and those on the Moon is that
Mars is very cold compared to other planets
there is no oxygen at all in the atmosphere of the Moon
the rocks on Mars have become old
the rocks on Mars are un oxidized
Question 2 Explanation: 
Somewhere in the middle of the passage, the answer is very evidently stated.
Question 3
According to the passage
the amount of oxygen in Mars has remained constant
once there was more oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars than there is now
at one time Mars was swept by fire, which turned the rocks into a reddish colour
severe storms caused the weathering of rocks
Question 3 Explanation: 
The author talks about the changes in the atmosphere. The concluding lines act as an evidence.
Question 4
The presence of colouration in Mars is quite suggestive of the presence of
brownish rocks in the atmosphere
grey and brown rocks on the moon
oxygen in the atmosphere in the past
no oxygen at all in the atmosphere
Question 4 Explanation: 
it is a direct question, the answer to which is clearly mentioned in the starting and concluding lines of the passage.
There are 4 questions to complete.
Shaded items are complete.

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