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You have a dream. You dream to be in the most coveted National Law School of India. You should be excited about it and most importantly you need to execute this dream with all the force, skill and potential that is there inside you. Once you’ve got your eye on CLAT 2018, there needs to be a sought-after ‘CLAT PREPARATION PLAN’ in place. I am so thrilled to be a part of this journey with you and that’s why I have created a foolproof strategy which will help you reach far ahead of the rest in your race to CLAT 2018.

CLAT 2018 will be conducted on 13th May 2018. You’ve got enough time to make or break things if you have the right CLAT preparation strategy and mindset in place. Do not fade in the face of self-doubt or a ‘Plan B’. I might tell you over a thousand times that, “You can do it”, but, it’s the self-talk that’ll make all the difference. So, put this time to the best use, understand that this world is run by the doers. Just do what you’ve got to do and execute your dream of being amongst the top rankers in CLAT 2018. Just in case you had given up on preparing for CLAT 2018, get back up and make the most of the CLAT PREPARATION PLAN that I am about to share with you.

Let’s get started!


Before you assume that those who crack CLAT belong to a different species, understand the exam that CLAT 2018 will be. Understand how well you need to equip yourself to crack CLAT. Once you’ll be done researching the syllabus, pattern, etc. of CLAT 2018, you’ll realise that CLAT is well within your reach. While you are here, let me help you out with understanding CLAT. Go through the following links quickly.

This simple exercise will help you understand that CLAT 2018 is achievable if you execute the CLAT PREPARATION PLAN with discipline.


CLAT was held for the first time in the year 2008 and you will be appearing in CLAT 2018, which means that you have a set of 10 previous years’ actual CLAT papers to go through. You must execute this step at the earliest because this exercise will give you a very clear idea about the difficulty level of questions, important topics, and most importantly your current level of CLAT preparation. This is a smart strategy since you’ll exactly what amount of effort needs to be put on the various topics.

Step 3– Practise lots of Mock CLATs to Assess Your Strong and Weak Subjects

Some subjects are easier on us than the others. CLAT Syllabus includes 5 subject areas – English Language and Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude and Maths.

From the CLAT preparation point of view, you will be able to find out where you stand in each of these subject areas only after you have practised a handful of CLAT mocks. The CLAT mock scores will you a crystal clear picture of your strong subjects and relatively weak subjects. At this stage, it’s absolutely normal to have a higher number of weak subject areas than the strong ones. Don’t fret! Keep going. Keep chasing your dream.


Let’s say, you have attempted over 6 mock CLATs with no improvement in the score. You are doing everything right from your end. Chances are you are not analyzing the mocks you have been appearing for. If you are investing 2 hours in attempting a mock CLAT, then make sure that you spend double the time in making an assessment of the mistakes you made. Keep a close watch on what brought your score down, what are the mistakes that you are making way too often, what was your thought process while solving a particular question that you got wrong. Discuss your mistakes with a mentor or even a friend. Once this is done, make sure YOU DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKES AGAIN!


I know, you have heard this advice way too often – ‘Make a timetable’. I would say – make one but smartly. CLAT preparation is a balancing act. There is school, college, family, friends, and the list goes on. You have to squeeze in time to prepare for CLAT consistently. Once you have identified your strong and weak subject areas, divide the available time between polishing the subjects you are good at and working harder on the subjects that you feel need an extra effort. Make a time schedule which will suit you because who knows you better than you.

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Step 6: GIVE CLAT 2018 YOUR 100 %

You and I, we both always know what needs to be done. Don’t we? Yet, the problem is that we don’t do what’s required. We shirk the hard work. We wait for luck to smile on us at the last minute. I started off by telling you that, if being at a National Law School is your dream then don’t brush it off. Give it your best shot. Stay confident, stay positive, and keep believing in yourself. Nothing great comes without discipline.

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