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Daily Current Affairs 5th June 2023: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,

This post contains important current affairs of 5th June 2023. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 5th June 2023. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try 5th June 2023 Current affairs test.


National News

1. Introduction of Railway Kavach System for Enhanced Train Safety

  • The Ministry of Railways in India has introduced Kavach, an indigenous Automatic Train Protection System, marking a notable advancement in train safety.
  • Designed in collaboration with three Indian vendors under the Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO), Kavach helps train operators in evading Signal Passing At Danger (SPAD) and overspeeding. Additionally, the system ensures safer train operations in challenging weather conditions, like dense fog, by initiating automatic brake applications when required.

International News

2. UAE Selected as Host for the World’s Largest Conservation Conference in 2025

  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been chosen by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to host the eminent World Conservation Congress (WCC) in 2025. The event will take place in Abu Dhabi.
  • Recognized as the world’s most significant gathering of conservationists, the WCC is projected to attract over 10,000 delegates from over 160 nations. Scheduled between October 10-21, 2025, the conference aims to present a paramount platform for environmental experts to discuss urgent issues and formulate innovative strategies for a sustainable future.

States News

3. Renaming of Ahmednagar District to Ahilyadevi Nagar for Empowering the Dhangar Community

  • The Maharashtra government has officially declared the renaming of Ahmednagar district to Ahilyadevi Nagar, commemorating the 18th-century warrior-queen, Ahilyadevi Holkar.
  • This significant step is perceived as an empowerment initiative for the Dhangar community, which has a considerable presence in Maharashtra. The move is also part of the strategic agenda of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to expand its support base and curtail the Maratha community’s prominence in the state’s political landscape.

4. Abdulla Al Mandous from the UAE Elected as President of the World Meteorological Organization

  • Dr. Abdulla Al Mandous, a distinguished meteorologist from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has been elected as the President of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for the 2023-2027 tenure.
  • The WMO, a premier body within the United Nations system, specializes in weather, climate, hydrology, and related environmental domains. Dr. Al Mandous succeeds Prof. Gerhard Adrian from the German Meteorological Service, who presided over the WMO since June 2019.

Banking News

5. IRDAI Directs SBI Life to Take Over Sahara Life Policies

  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued a directive for SBI Life Insurance Co to assume the life insurance operations of Sahara India Life Insurance Co (SILIC) with immediate effect.
  • This directive was motivated by Sahara Life’s non-compliance with IRDAI regulations and the need to protect the rights of policyholders. The deteriorating financial health of Sahara Life, marked by mounting losses and a disproportionate claims-to-premiums ratio, necessitated this intervention to shield the interests of the insured.

Schemes and Committees News

6. NIPCCD Organizes Refresher Training Programme on Mission Vatsalya

  • The National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) in New Delhi hosted a Refresher Training Programme dedicated to Mission Vatsalya. The initiative seeks to integrate developmental and child protection priorities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and foster voluntary action in societal development.

7. Formation of a 3-Member Panel to Investigate Manipur Violence

  • A commission of inquiry, spearheaded by the former Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court, Ajai Lamba, has been constituted by the Indian government to probe the consecutive violent episodes in Manipur.
  • The violent outbreaks, resulting in over 80 fatalities, affected diverse community members. The commission’s objective is to delve into the root causes, the spread, and the administrative handling of these sorrowful incidents.

Important Days

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8. World Environment Day 2023: Focus on Plastic Pollution Solutions

  • World Environment Day, observed globally every June 5, acts as an international call to increase awareness and spur action for environmental conservation. In 2023, CĂ´te D’Ivoire will play host to the 50th celebration of World Environment Day, dedicating the theme to “solutions to plastic pollution.”

9. International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 2023

  • International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing, marked on June 5, aims to spotlight the challenge of IUU fishing, which poses a severe risk to global fish reserves and the marine ecosystem. This illicit activity drains the global economy by up to $23 billion annually, causing overfishing, habitat degradation, and biodiversity loss.

10. International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 2023

  • Observed on June 4, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression serves as a poignant reminder of the anguish endured by countless children worldwide due to different forms of aggression. The day accentuates the urgent need to confront and prevent such transgressions.
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