
Daily Current Affairs 6 March 2020

GK Current Affairs Fact Updates June 2017
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Daily Current Affairs 6 March 2020: Your guide for daily General Knowledge Preparation

Dear Readers,

This post contains important current affairs of 6 March 2020. It includes all Major National, International, Business and Sports related current affairs of 6 March 2020. A brief explanation of every current affair is provided to further enhance your general knowledge. Once you have gone through these current affairs we would recommend to you to try 6 March 2020 Current affairs test.

National News

1. Namaste Orchha festival

2. Women Transforming India Awards 2019

3. National Dentist’s Day

4. AAHAR – the Food and Hospitality fair

International News

1. New Prime Minister of Slovenia

2. Commonwealth Points of Light Award winner

3. New WIPO Director General

Business News


2. Jack Welch passes away

3. India’s FDI policy on civil aviation

4. Microsoft with Accenture

5. New MD & CEO of SBI Life

Sports News

1. ICC women’s T20I rankings

Try some Quiz Questions now: Current Affairs Quiz,6 March

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