
Daily Reads-15 (Level-2)

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Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name: The great settling down
Author Name: Claude S Fischer
Source: Aeon
Category: Society

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Mobility: The ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
Individualism: The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.
Lament: A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
Ramification: A complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.
Epidemic: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name: Progress Isn’t Natural
Author Name: Joel Mokyr
Source: The Atlantic
Category: Business

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Unprecedented: Never done or known before.
Erudite: Having or showing great knowledge or learning.
Inferiority: The condition of being lower in status or quality than another or others.
Astronomy: The branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
Skepticism: A sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name: An Era for Women Artists?
Author Name: Sarah Boxer
Source: The Atlantic
Category: Art, Culture & Literature

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Contemporary: Living or occurring at the same time.
Manliness: The traditional male quality of being brave and strong.
Expressionism: A style of painting, music, or drama in which the artist or writer seeks to express the inner world of emotion rather than external reality.
Ghetto: A part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.
Striptease: A form of entertainment in which a performer gradually undresses to music in a way intended to be sexually exciting.

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