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Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name: Meaning of Pink
Author Name: Veeresh Malik
Source: The Times of India
Category:Art, Culture, & Literature

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Twigged on: Understand.
Incongruous: Unsuited.
Repartee: Witty conversation, bantering.
Perjurer: To render (oneself) guilty of swearing falsely or of wilfully making a false statement under oath or solemn affirmation.
Perfidy: Untrustworthy.

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name: Dynasty politics in the largest democracy
Source:Economic Times
Category: Politics

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Feud: Dispute.
Crony: Close friend or companion.
Sacked: Dismiss from Employment.
Cohesion: Unity.
Whim: A sudden desire or change of mind.

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name:Stories in our head
Author Name:G Sampath
Source: The Hindu
Category: Art, Culture and Literature

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Dyspeptic: Short tempered.
Beseeching: Ask someone urgently and fervently to do or give something.
Onslaught: Fierce or destructive attack, aggression.
Fraught: Affected by anxiety or stress.
Mutinous: Rebellious.

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