
What is the ‘Daily Reads’ section?

‘Daily Reads’ is exactly what the name suggests: a repository of day-wise reading suggestions. Each article in this section consists of 3 reading suggestions accompanied with cursory details (article name, author name, category, & source).

The articles selected for this section represent some of the best reading material available online. These articles are meant to serve two purposes:

  • Help you improve as a reader.
  • Provide you knowledge of important topics, themes, and subjects.


How does this section help you?

The ability to read is one of the most important skills you can develop for yourself. It empowers you to a lifetime of learning and the purpose of this section is to enable the same for you. By identifying the articles you should read, we have done half the job for you. The hardwork still needs to be done by you: you need to read these articles.


Why have we introduced two levels for this section?

The answer to this question is very simple. Different people are placed at different reading levels and based on your comfort levels, you should decide which set of articles to take.

As a rough guide, you can the following exam-wise classification for these two levels:
Daily Reads (level-1): CAT-2017, Bank PO exams, SSC exams, CDS, CLAT, etc.
Daily Reads (level-2): CAT-2016, GRE, GMAT, SAT, etc.


Four reasons why you should use the ‘Daily Reads’ Section

  • The only online section that provides you a list of daily reading suggestions
  • Perfect for any kind of reader to scale up to the next level
  • Immense value and knowledge addition
  • Read quality articles to develop comprehension as well as reading skills