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Reading Suggestion-1

Article Name: Every Picture Tells
Author Name: Michael M Rosen
Source: The Standatd Weekly
Category: Art ,Culture and Literature

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Five Words to learn from this article:

Morass: An area of muddy or boggy ground.
Distorted: Pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted.
Eschewed: Deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
Subservient: Timid.
Incoherent: Confused.

Reading Suggestion-2

Article Name : Why I am not going to buy a cellphone
Author Name: Philip Reed
Source: Aeon
Category: Philosophy

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Subversive: seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
Lunacy: Crazy.
Stagnant: Still.
Omnipresent: Universal.

Reading Suggestion-3

Article Name : There is a moral argument for keeping great apes in zoos

Author Name: Richard Moore
Source: The Aeon
Category: Psychology

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Five Words to learn from this article :

Sophisticated: Worldly.
Cognitively: Intellectual.
Rehome: Find a new home for (a pet).
Inflit: Impose.

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