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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Sweltering Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: It will get progressively worse as this century sweats it out in a sauna of sweltering heat.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a super hot day when the sun is shining so much that you feel like you’re melting just like an ice cream. That’s what “sweltering” means—it’s when it’s really, really hot.

MEANING: Extremely hot and causing discomfort (adjective).


SYNONYMS: scorching, boiling, sizzling, baking, blistering

1. It was a sweltering day, perfect for spending time at the pool.
2. The sweltering heat made it difficult to stay outdoors for long.
3. Everyone was seeking shade during the sweltering afternoon.
4. The air conditioning broke down on a sweltering July day.

Cauldrons Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: As urbanisation increases, cities will grow at the expense of forests to become cauldrons of heat and humidity.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a big, round pot that witches use in stories to mix up their magic potions. That big pot is called a “cauldron.” It’s used for cooking or boiling things in large amounts.

MEANING: Large metal pots used for cooking, typically over an open fire (noun).


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SYNONYMS: pots, kettles, vessels, boilers, vats

1. They used cauldrons to cook stew for the festival.
2. The witch stirred the bubbling brew in her cauldron.
3. Large cauldrons were set up for the community soup kitchen.
4. He bought a cauldron for the medieval reenactment.



CONTEXT: Heat acts through dehydration, inability of the skin to cool the body through perspiration, dilatation of blood vessels and thickening of blood with increased risk of clot formation (thrombosis).

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about a balloon when you blow air into it—it gets bigger and bigger. That’s like “dilatation.” It means making something wider or larger.

MEANING: The action of expanding or being expanded (noun).


SYNONYMS: expansion, enlargement, widening, distension, stretching

1. The doctor explained the dilatation necessary during the procedure.
2. There was significant dilatation of the river after the heavy rains.
3. Medical tools were used for the dilatation of the airway.
4. They studied the dilatation effects on metals under heat.



CONTEXT: Among adults, vulnerability is high among the elderly, persons with disabilities and in those with serious comorbidities.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if someone has a cough and a headache at the same time. Each of these sicknesses affects them together. When you have more than one sickness at the same time, those are called “comorbidities.”

MEANING: The presence of one or more additional diseases or disorders co-occurring with a primary disease or disorder (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: koh-MOR-bih-dih-tees

SYNONYMS: co-existing conditions, concurrent illnesses, simultaneous disorders, co-occurring diseases, multiple health issues

1. The patient’s treatment was complicated by several comorbidities.
2. Managing comorbidities is crucial for improving patient outcomes.
3. The study focused on the effects of comorbidities in chronic disease patients.
4. Doctors considered all comorbidities when prescribing medication.

Centigrade Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: As our population ages and cardiovascular risk factors (like high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity) rise in our population, every 1 degree centigrade rise in ambient temperature will compound the risk of serious cardiovascular events.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a thermometer that measures how hot or cold it is. If it has numbers like 0, 10, 20, up to 100 to measure temperature, it’s using a system called “centigrade.” It’s a way to tell how warm or cold something is.

MEANING: Referring to a temperature scale with one hundred degrees between the freezing point and boiling point of water (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Celsius, degree Celsius, metric temperature scale

1. Water freezes at 0 degrees centigrade.
2. The temperature reached 30 degrees centigrade today.
3. She adjusted the laboratory instruments to 37 degrees centigrade.
4. The weather forecast promised highs of 25 degrees centigrade.



CONTEXT: Protective foods like fruit, vegetables and fish would be depleted. These foods reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you had a box of crayons, and you used them so much that there are only tiny bits left. That’s what “depleted” means—it’s when something is used up and there isn’t much left.

MEANING: Reduced in quantity; used up (adjective).


SYNONYMS: exhausted, drained, spent, diminished, reduced

1. The coal mines were nearly depleted after many years of extraction.
2. His energy was depleted after the long race.
3. The country’s oil reserves are rapidly becoming depleted.
4. After the festival, the food supplies were severely depleted.



CONTEXT: Congress’s manifesto attacked for envisioning a more just society by those who don’t have a problem with handouts to billionaire

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine closing your eyes and picturing a beautiful beach with sand and waves. That’s called “envisioning.” It means to create a picture in your mind of what something could be like.

MEANING: Imagining as a future possibility; visualizing (verb).


SYNONYMS: imagining, picturing, visualizing, conceiving, forecasting

1. She spent her evening envisioning her dream home.
2. The company is envisioning a large expansion over the next five years.
3. They were busy envisioning new ways to improve their product.
4. Envisioning success is a part of achieving it.

Ignited Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: The Congress party’s manifesto has ignited a crucial debate on rising inequality in India.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about lighting a candle. When the wick starts to burn and the flame appears, that’s called “ignited.” It means to start burning or to catch fire.

MEANING: Set on fire or started to burn (Verb).


SYNONYMS: lit, kindled, sparked, fired, inflamed

1. The spark from the fireworks ignited the dry grass.
2. His speech ignited the crowd’s enthusiasm.
3. The gas leak was ignited by a small flame.
4. She ignited the stove to start cooking dinner.

Lopsided Picture Vocabulary


CONTEXT: The Congress party argues that the roots of inequality extend to fundamental challenges such as unemployment, stagnant wages, weak investment, a hostile environment for small entrepreneurs, and a lopsided tax regime.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine if you made a tower of blocks and one side was much higher than the other. It would look a bit funny because it’s not even. That’s what “lopsided” means—it’s when something is uneven or unbalanced.

MEANING: Unevenly balanced; tilted to one side (adjective).


SYNONYMS: uneven, unbalanced, asymmetrical, skewed, disproportionate

1. The lopsided cake looked funny but still tasted great.
2. He wore a lopsided grin that made everyone laugh.
3. The vote was lopsided, with the majority in favor.
4. After the windstorm, the fence was lopsided and needed repair.



CONTEXT: A cornerstone of rampant inequality is the pervasive scarcity of jobs. Unemployment is a big driver of inequality and has worsened under the Narendra Modi government.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a small scratch on your arm, and you keep scratching it instead of letting it heal. It starts to hurt more and look worse. That’s what “worsened” means—it’s when something gets worse instead of better.

MEANING: Became worse or more severe (verb).


SYNONYMS: deteriorated, declined, degenerated, intensified, aggravated

1. His condition worsened overnight, requiring immediate medical attention.
2. The weather worsened just as they started their hike.
3. The economic situation has worsened over the past few months.
4. Relations between the two countries worsened after the dispute.



Vocabulary Daily Use Words

Title: “The Essential Guide to Mastering ‘Vocabulary Daily Use Words’

In the architecturally diverse world of language learning, ‘vocabulary daily use words’ act as a cornerstone. We often take these words for granted, but their significance in day-to-day communications is nothing short of monumental. Mastering these ‘vocabulary daily use words’ should be more than an ancillary task on the sideline; it should take the center stage in your language learning journey.

To begin with, approach ‘vocabulary daily use words’ with the same gusto and reverence as you would an untapped treasure chest. Go beyond the conventional realm of textbooks and explore the world of contemporary literature, newspapers, and digital content. By immersing yourself in these mediums, you’re aligning your learning with real-world language usage, thereby gaining a practical understanding of ‘vocabulary daily use words.’

Memory-enhancing tools add an extra layer of effectiveness to your learning. Flashcards, for example, are a great way to make your study sessions interactive and memory-forging. Coupled with the Leitner system, which is a principle of spacing and repetition, you can ensure better recall and understanding of ‘vocabulary daily use words.’

Furthermore, leveraging mnemonic devices aids in etching the ‘vocabulary daily use words’ into your memory. Associating common words with unique and memorable narratives in your mind enhances their recall. Regular revision and using these words in routine conversations further cement your proficiency.

The potency of immersion as a language learning strategy cannot be emphasized enough. Conversing with native speakers, if possible, provides context to ‘vocabulary daily use words’ and boosts your fluency.

In conclusion, mastering the ‘vocabulary daily use words’ is an enriching journey that requires ongoing effort, continual exposure, and hands-on practice. The strategy of learning through various mediums, using memory-enhancing techniques, leveraging mnemonic devices, and immersion can help demystify these words and enhance your overall language proficiency. So, gear up and embrace the linguistic adventure of mastering the ‘vocabulary daily use words.’

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