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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Word-1: Zombie
Meaning: A fictional undead being, typically a reanimated corpse; or someone who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings.
Synonyms: Undead, walker, ghoul, revenant, living dead, automaton, drone.
Usage Examples:
1. She walked around like a zombie before her morning coffee.
2. The movie was about a town overrun by zombies.
3. After working three shifts in a row, he looked like a zombie.
4. The game’s objective is to survive in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies.

Word-2: Malaise
Meaning: A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease without a specific cause.
Synonyms: Unease, discomfort, uneasiness, restlessness, lethargy, unease.
Usage Examples:
1. The team’s poor performance reflected a deeper malaise affecting the company.
2. Many people were feeling a sense of malaise about the future.
3. His symptoms included fatigue and a general malaise.
4. The economic malaise of the country is evident in its decreasing GDP.

Word-3: Scrambling
Meaning: Moving quickly or frantically; or climbing using both feet and hands.
Synonyms: Hurrying, rushing, dashing, clambering, hastening, scampering, racing.
Usage Examples:
1. We went scrambling over the rocky hillside.
2. She was scrambling to finish the report by the deadline.
3. The children were scrambling for the candy thrown from the parade.
4. During the sale, customers were scrambling to get the best deals.

Word-4: Ostensible
Meaning: Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
Synonyms: Apparent, seeming, outward, superficial, alleged, pretended, professed.
Usage Examples:
1. His ostensible reason for visiting was to see an old friend, but he had other motives.
2. The ostensible goal of the policy was to reduce waste, but it had little effect.
3. The ostensible plot of the novel hides a deeper message.
4. Her ostensible cheerfulness masked her internal struggles.

Word-5: Cusp
Meaning: A pointed end or a point where two curves meet: or a transitional moment or point.
Synonyms: Tip, point, edge, brink, verge, threshold, peak.
Usage Examples:
1. The cusp of the moon was just visible at twilight.
2. She’s on the cusp of a major breakthrough in her research.
3. The small village is on the cusp of becoming a bustling town.
4. As an artist, he stands on the cusp of greatness.

Word-6: Frienshoring
Meaning: (This isn’t a commonly recognized term as of my last training data in 2021.) Potentially, a combination of “friends” and “offshoring” could refer to outsourcing tasks or jobs to friends or friendly countries/companies.
Synonyms: Collaboration, cooperation, alliance, partnership, teaming up, joint venture, co-venture.
Usage Examples:
1. The company adopted a frienshoring strategy, partnering with long-time business friends overseas.
2. Frienshoring made it easier for startups to access resources at friendly terms.
3. The two nations enhanced their trade relations through frienshoring agreements.
4. By frienshoring their operations, they maintained a sense of trust and mutual growth.

Word-7: Robust
Meaning: Strong, healthy, and resistant to change or damage.
Synonyms: Sturdy, durable, hard-wearing, tough, resilient, rugged.
Usage Examples:
1. The system they implemented was robust and could handle large amounts of data.
2. She has a robust constitution and rarely falls ill.
3. The company reported robust sales this quarter.
4. The bridge has a robust structure, built to withstand natural disasters.

Word-8: Abrogate
Meaning: Repeal or do away with a law, right, or agreement.
Synonyms: Revoke, repeal, rescind, cancel, annul, nullify, abolish.
Usage Examples:
1. The new government promised to abrogate laws that suppress freedom of speech.
2. The board has the power to abrogate any decisions made by the committee.
3. They cannot abrogate our rights without a proper legal process.
4. Many hoped that the peace treaty would not be abrogated.

Word-9: Alienate
Meaning: To make someone feel isolated or estranged.
Synonyms: Estrange, isolate, distance, disaffect, turn away, push away, set apart.
Usage Examples:
1. His behaviour began to alienate his friends.
2. Policies that alienate a portion of the population can be counterproductive.
3. He didn’t want to alienate his colleagues with his strong opinions.
4. Alienating her closest allies was not a smart move for the leader.

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