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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.

Unveiled Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Unveiled

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a beautiful painting, but it’s covered with a cloth so no one can see it. When you take off the cloth, everyone can see the painting. That’s what “unveiled” means: showing something that was hidden or covered up.

MEANING: To remove a covering from something, usually for the first time, to show it to people (verb).


SYNONYMS: Revealed, Exposed, Disclosed, Uncovered, Displayed, Unmasked

1. The artist unveiled her new sculpture at the gallery.
2. The company unveiled its latest product at the tech conference.
3. The curtains were drawn back, and the painting was unveiled.
4. The plans for the new park were finally unveiled to the public.

Lauded Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Lauded

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When someone does something really good or amazing, and people praise or say very good things about it, that’s “lauded.” It’s like giving someone a big thumbs up for their great work.

MEANING: Praised highly, especially in a public context (verb).


SYNONYMS: Praised, Commended, Acclaimed, Applauded, Celebrated, Extolled

1. The teacher lauded the student for her excellent project.
2. His novel was lauded by critics as a masterpiece.
3. She was lauded for her charitable work.
4. The mayor lauded the firefighters for their bravery.


WORD-3: Compelling

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think of a story that’s so interesting that you can’t stop reading or listening. That’s what “compelling” means. It grabs your attention and makes you really want to know more.

MEANING: Very interesting or exciting, making you want to pay attention (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: kuhm-pel-ing

SYNONYMS: Fascinating, Captivating, Intriguing, Engrossing, Persuasive, Enticing

1. The documentary was so compelling that I watched it twice.
2. She gave a compelling argument for changing the school policy.
3. His life story is compelling and inspirational.
4. The mystery novel was incredibly compelling.

Encapsulate Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Encapsulate

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a big, long story, but you need to tell it quickly in just a few words. When you do that, you “encapsulate” the story. It’s like putting something big into a tiny, neat package.

MEANING: To summarize or condense something, especially something complex, into a brief form (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: en-kap-suh-late

SYNONYMS: Summarize, Condense, Compress, Sum Up, Distill, Abbreviate

1. The author encapsulated the plot of the book in a single paragraph.
2. His speech encapsulated his entire philosophy.
3. Can you encapsulate your idea in a few sentences?
4. The report encapsulated the main points of the discussion.


WORD-5: Profound

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When something is very, very deep or important, like a thought or feeling that makes you think hard or feel a lot, we call it “profound.” It’s like digging a really deep hole in the ground of ideas or feelings.

MEANING: Having deep insight or understanding; very great or intense (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Deep, Thoughtful, Insightful, Intense, Meaningful, Significant

1. She had a profound understanding of the subject.
2. His words had a profound impact on me.
3. The movie had a profound message about life.
4. The book offers profound insights into human behavior.

Resonance Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Resonance

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Resonance” is like when you pluck a guitar string, and it makes a sound that fills the room. It’s when something, like an idea or sound, has a big effect and spreads or is felt strongly by others.

MEANING: The quality of being loud, clear, and continuing to sound or be heard; a deep emotional response (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: rez-uh-nans

SYNONYMS: Reverberation, Echo, Impact, Significance, Vibrancy, Ring

1. Her speech had a strong resonance with the audience.
2. The story’s themes have a universal resonance.
3. The resonance of the music filled the concert hall.
4. There was a deep emotional resonance in his words.


WORD-7: Contemporary

CONTEXT: In the early 2000s, India unveiled the globally lauded tourism campaign, “Incredible India.” Fast-forward to the present. Harvard Business School posed a compelling question: If India were to initiate another global campaign today, what should encapsulate its essence? Its recommendation, “Inevitable India,” carries a profound resonance with the contemporary global landscape and geopolitical dynamics.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Contemporary” means happening or existing now, in the same time that we are living. It’s like saying something is modern or belongs to the same time as us.

MEANING: Existing or happening in the same time period; modern or current (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: kuhn-temp-uh-rer-ee

SYNONYMS: Modern, Current, Present-day, Up-to-date, Recent, Fashionable

1. She enjoys reading contemporary novels.
2. The museum features contemporary art.
3. The architect is known for his contemporary designs.
4. They discussed contemporary issues in politics.

Inevitability Picture Vocabulary

WORD-8: Inevitability

CONTEXT: From governments across North America, Europe and the Global South to global CEOs worldwide, the name ‘India’ is at the forefront of discussions on alliances and strategic partnerships. In a world where countries and organizations are strategically mapping their future trajectories, India emerges not just as a choice, but as an inevitability, a pivotal player in the unfolding narrative of our shared global destiny.

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Inevitability” is like when something is sure to happen, no matter what. It’s like knowing that after daytime, night will always come. It can’t be stopped or changed.

MEANING: The quality of being certain to happen and unavoidable (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: in-ev-i-tuh-bil-i-tee

SYNONYMS: Certainty, Inescapability, Sureness, Fate, Destiny, Unavoidability

1. There was a sense of inevitability about the outcome of the game.
2. The inevitability of aging is something we all face.
3. The inevitability of change is a part of life.
4. He spoke about the inevitability of technological progress.


WORD-9: Forefront

CONTEXT: Viewed through the lens of technology, the idea of ‘Inevitable India’ becomes not just an obvious choice, but a compelling one. My belief is not driven solely by national pride, though that sentiment is undeniably strong. Instead, it stems from an understanding of pivotal transitions that are reshaping the global landscape and India’s unique position in each of these transformations

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Forefront” is like being at the very front of a line or being the most important part of something. It’s like being the leader in a race or the first person everyone notices.

MEANING: The leading or most important position or place (noun).


SYNONYMS: Fore, Lead, Vanguard, Frontline, Cutting Edge, Spearhead

1. She was at the forefront of scientific research.
2. The company is at the forefront of technology.
3. Environmental issues are now at the forefront of public awareness.
4. He has always been at the forefront of the movement.


WORD-10: Pivotal

CONTEXT: Viewed through the lens of technology, the idea of ‘Inevitable India’ becomes not just an obvious choice, but a compelling one. My belief is not driven solely by national pride, though that sentiment is undeniably strong. Instead, it stems from an understanding of pivotal transitions that are reshaping the global landscape and India’s unique position in each of these transformations

SOURCE: Livemint

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Pivotal” is when something is really important because it can change how other things happen, like a key part in a story that decides what happens next. It’s like being the piece of a puzzle that makes everything else fit together.

MEANING: Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else (adjective).


SYNONYMS: Crucial, Critical, Key, Central, Vital, Essential

1. The coach played a pivotal role in the team’s success.
2. This decision will be pivotal for the company’s future.
3. The battle was a pivotal moment in the war.
4. Her research has been pivotal in advancing the field.



Vocabulary Definition

Title: “Making Sense of Words: A Strategic Approach to Learning ‘Vocabulary Definition'”

Understanding a language requires a deep grasp of the ‘vocabulary definition’. These precise meanings of words shape our understanding and communication. However, to successfully learn ‘vocabulary definition’, one must do more than just memorize a dictionary. So what’s the perfect approach to assimilating ‘vocabulary definition’?

The compelling answer is context. To truly comprehend ‘vocabulary definition’, expose yourself to diverse reading materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, and digital content. This approach equips you with a practical understanding of ‘vocabulary definition’ and illuminates the nuanced ways in which they get employed in conversation and writing.

An innovative way to enhance memory while learning ‘vocabulary definition’ involves visualization. By creating a mental image representing the definition, your brain can help cement the association between the word and its meaning, improving recall capability significantly.

Now, understanding and retaining ‘vocabulary definition’ is only one part of the equation. The other, equally essential part is application. Actively using these words in your personal conversations, professional communication, or social media posts will reinforce your understanding and usage of ‘vocabulary definition’.

Interactive language tools can be a great help when mastering ‘vocabulary definition’. Language-learning software and applications often provide comprehensive word definitions, examples, and even quizzes to test your learning progress.

In conclusion, the journey of embracing ‘vocabulary definition’ demands a blended approach. Diversified reading materials, visualization techniques, active application, and the leverage of modern language-learning tools together chart a pathway to mastering ‘vocabulary definition’. Remember, every word definition you conquer is a stepping stone leading you to the magnificent mansion of language proficiency. Happy learning!

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