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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading Indian Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit. Our endeavour here is straightforward: highlighting daily vocabulary words that you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The Times of India
• The Economic Times
• Hindustan Times
• Mint
• Indian Express
We are putting in extensive work to develop your vocabulary. All you have to do is be regular with this section and check out this post daily. This is your repository of commonly used words; essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are commonly used in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading Indian newspapers.


CONTEXT: The government’s latest policy decision has faced widespread condemnation from environmentalists and civil society groups.

SOURCE: The Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine when someone does something really bad and everyone says that what they did was wrong. That’s called “condemnation.” It’s like when you take a cookie without asking and everyone tells you that you shouldn’t have done that.

MEANING: To criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons (noun).


SYNONYMS: disapproval, criticism, censure, reproach, reproof

1. The public voiced their condemnation of the new policy.
2. The president faced strong condemnation for his actions.
3. The article was full of condemnation of the event.
4. There was widespread condemnation of the theft.



CONTEXT: The musical performance managed to enthrall the audience, leaving them longing for more even after the final note.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Have you ever watched a movie or read a story that you loved so much you couldn’t stop thinking about it? That feeling is being “enthralled.” It’s like being pulled into something amazing and not wanting to leave.

MEANING: To captivate or charm someone, making them give it their full attention (verb).


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SYNONYMS: captivate, charm, mesmerize, bewitch, fascinate, enrapture

1. The magic show enthralled the young audience.
2. She was enthralled by the beautiful sunset.
3. The storyteller enthralled listeners with his tales.
4. The movie was so interesting that it enthralled everyone in the theater.


CONTEXT: Undaunted by the numerous challenges faced during the expedition, the young mountaineer persisted and achieved her goal.

SOURCE: Indian Express

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you want to climb a big mountain, and even though it looks scary and hard, you aren’t scared. You keep trying! That feeling of not being scared or giving up is called “undaunted.”

MEANING: You are not at all afraid or worried about dealing with something (adjective).


SYNONYMS: fearless, brave, courageous, bold, intrepid, unflinching

1. She remained undaunted despite the challenges.
2. The team was undaunted by their early losses.
3. He faced the criticism undaunted.
4. Even after falling, the skater continued with an undaunted spirit.


CONTEXT: With an increasingly litigious environment in the business sector, many companies are investing more in legal teams to safeguard their interests.

SOURCE: The Economic Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: You know when people can’t agree on something, and they decide to go to court and let the judge decide? If someone always wants to do this, always wanting to fight in court instead of solving problems in a friendly way, they are “litigious.”

MEANING: Too often taking arguments to a court of law for a decision, especially to win money in a lawsuit (adjective).


SYNONYMS: quarrelsome, disputatious, argumentative, contentious, combative

1. The company has a litigious history.
2. He was known for his litigious nature in business dealings.
3. The neighbor was so litigious that everyone was careful in their interactions with him.
4. It’s a litigious era, where people sue at the drop of a hat.



CONTEXT: There’s a growing disquiet among farmers regarding the new agricultural reforms and their long-term impact.

SOURCE: The Times of India

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Have you ever felt a little worried or uneasy about something, but you’re not sure why? Like a strange noise at night? That feeling of being slightly worried is called “disquiet.”

MEANING: A feeling of worry or unease (noun).


SYNONYMS: unease, worry, anxiety, distress, concern, restlessness

1. There was a sense of disquiet among the villagers.
2. The news caused disquiet throughout the community.
3. She couldn’t shake the feeling of disquiet after the phone call.
4. The strange behavior of birds in the area has been a source of disquiet for locals.


CONTEXT: Historical dominations have left an indelible mark on the architecture and culture of the region, blending various traditions.

SOURCE: Live Mint.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: “Dominations” means having control or power over something. Imagine if you built a big sandcastle and controlled all the toy soldiers in and around it. In that game, you’d have domination over the sandcastle kingdom!

MEANING: The state of having control over people or a situation (noun).


SYNONYMS: control, authority, rule, command, power, sovereignty

1. The empire extended its dominations over several continents.
2. The company’s dominations in the market were unchallenged.
3. Ancient kings sought dominations over their neighboring territories.
4. The game’s objective is to achieve dominations over the entire map.



CONTEXT: To stabilize the economic downturn, the Finance Minister introduced a series of counter-ballast measures, hoping to offset the recession’s impacts.

SOURCE: The Economic Times.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine a seesaw in the playground. If one side is too heavy, it goes down, right? “Counterballast” is like putting weight on the other side to make the seesaw balanced again. It’s something that balances out or opposes another force.

MEANING: A weight that balances or offsets another; opposing force (noun).


SYNONYMS: counterbalance, counterweight, balance, equalizer, equilibrium

1. The ship uses water as a counterballast to keep it stable.
2. They added a counterballast to the crane to prevent it from tipping over.
3. The new regulations serve as a counterballast to the rising prices.
4. Engineers designed the bridge with a counterballast system to ensure stability.



CONTEXT: The vaunted tech conference, which attracts innovators from around the world, is set to be held in Bengaluru this year.

SOURCE: Indian Express.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Have you ever bragged about your favorite toy to your friends, telling them how great it is? “Vaunted” is a fancy word for something that is bragged about a lot.

MEANING: Highly praised or boasted about (adjective).


SYNONYMS: praised, acclaimed, celebrated, lauded, extolled, boasted

1. The team’s vaunted defense was put to the test.
2. The artist’s vaunted masterpiece was on display.
3. The restaurant’s vaunted menu turned out to be disappointing.
4. Despite its vaunted reputation, the software had several issues.


CONTEXT: Privacy advocates have raised concerns about the city’s new surveillance systems, questioning the balance between security and individual rights.

SOURCE: Hindustan Times.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone watching over a playground to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely. “Surveillance” is like that watching, but it can be for many reasons, like making sure places are safe or looking for someone who might be lost.

MEANING: The act of watching over or monitoring someone or something, especially for the purpose of collecting information (noun).


SYNONYMS: observation, monitoring, supervision, watch, scrutiny

1. The bank has 24-hour surveillance to ensure its security.
2. The police put the suspect under surveillance.
3. Many public areas are now under video surveillance.
4. The wildlife reserve uses surveillance cameras to monitor animal activity.



CONTEXT: With the crisis looming, the administration acted expediently, ensuring that resources were allocated effectively to mitigate damage.

SOURCE: Live Mint.

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Think about when you want to finish your chores fast so you can go out and play. “Expediently” is a word that means doing something quickly and in a way that is convenient, but not always the best way.

MEANING: In a way that is quick and convenient, but possibly not proper or right (adverb).


SYNONYMS: promptly, swiftly, quickly, hastily, speedily

1. The project was completed expediently but had several errors.
2. To save time, she handled the matter expediently.
3. The team worked expediently to meet the tight deadline.
4. The company chose an expediently cheap solution, which later caused problems.

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