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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.


WORD-1: Entangled

CONTEXT: Civil libertarians argued that the surveillance bill erodes Americans’ privacy rights and pointed to examples when American citizens got entangled in investigations.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine two strings that are twisted and knotted together so tightly that it’s hard to separate them. That’s like being “entangled.” It means to become twisted or caught in a complicated or difficult situation.

MEANING: Twisted or caught in a complicated or difficult situation (adjective).


SYNONYMS: ensnared, tangled, involved, complicated, ensnared


  1. The business deal became entangled in legal disputes.
  2. Her personal life became entangled with her professional responsibilities.
  3. The political situation was entangled with historical conflicts.
  4. Untangling the web of lies left them feeling deeply entangled.

Espionage Picture Vocabulary

WORD-2: Espionage

CONTEXT: Some of the bill’s critics argued that the F.B.I. should be required to obtain a warrant from a special FISA court before using the information collected under 702 when investigating Americans who may be involved in terrorism, espionage or other national security threats.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone sneaking around and gathering secret information, like a spy in a movie. That’s like “espionage.” It refers to the practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information, especially regarding the government or military.

MEANING: The practice of spying or using spies to gather secret information,
especially about a government or a business (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: es-pee-uh-nahzh

SYNONYMS: spying, intelligence gathering, covert operations, surveillance


  1. The espionage mission involved gathering information on enemy movements.
  2. Espionage activities were uncovered by the intelligence agency.
  3. The spy was arrested for engaging in espionage.
  4. The novel’s plot revolved around political espionage.


WORD-3: Probable

CONTEXT: Another problem is that the probable cause needed for a warrant is rarely available early in an investigation.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have to guess the answer to a question, and there’s a good chance your guess is right. That’s like something being “probable.” It means likely to happen or be true based on evidence or circumstances.

MEANING: Likely to happen or be true; likely but not certain (adjective).


SYNONYMS: likely, possible, plausible, expected, anticipated


  1. The weather forecast predicted probable rain showers later in the day.
  2. The probable cause of the fire was determined to be faulty wiring.
  3. His probable successor has already been identified.
  4. The doctor explained the probable outcomes of the treatment.


WORD-4: Refinement

CONTEXT: Balances struck between security and privacy need continual refinement.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a rough draft of a story, and then you make it better by editing and polishing it. That’s like “refinement.” It means the process of improving something by making small changes or enhancements.

MEANING: The process of improving something by making small changes or enhancements (noun).

PRONUNCIATION: ri-fahyn-muhnt

SYNONYMS: improvement, enhancement, polishing, development, perfection


  1. The refinement of the software involved fixing bugs and adding new features.
  2. Her refinement of the recipe made it a family favorite.
  3. The refinement of his skills over time led to professional success.
  4. The artist’s work showed refinement in technique and style.

Maneuvering Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Maneuvering

CONTEXT: The president’s maneuvering helped avoid an immediate disaster, it is his own policies that have set the Middle East on its current dangerous trajectory.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine driving a car and making careful turns or changes in direction to navigate through traffic. That’s like “maneuvering.” It means skillfully moving or guiding something, often through obstacles or challenges.

MEANING: Skillful or strategic moving or planning (noun).


SYNONYMS: navigating, handling, directing, controlling, managing


  1. The pilot’s expert maneuvering prevented a potential disaster.
  2. The politician’s maneuvering in negotiations secured a favorable deal.
  3. The team’s maneuvering in the market allowed them to outperform competitors.
  4. His maneuvering through the crowd was smooth and efficient.

Embroiled Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Embroiled

CONTEXT: Israel and Iran have been embroiled in a shadow war for more than a decade, but they had never been this close to all-out war.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine two people in a heated argument where both are deeply involved and can’t easily step back. That’s like being “embroiled.” It means being deeply involved in a conflict, argument, or difficult situation.

MEANING: Being deeply involved in a conflict, argument, or difficult situation (adjective).


SYNONYMS: involved, entangled, implicated, ensnared, caught up


  1. The company became embroiled in a legal battle with its competitors.
  2. She found herself embroiled in office politics.
  3. The scandal left many high-profile figures embroiled in controversy.
  4. Their embroiled relationship made it difficult to work together.

Vengeance Picture Vocabulary

WORD-7: Vengeance

CONTEXT: He has followed Mr. Netanyahu’s lead, even as Israel has put vengeance over interest.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone who feels deeply wronged and wants to make the person who wronged them suffer. That’s like “vengeance.” It means the desire for revenge or the act of getting back at someone for a perceived injustice.

MEANING: Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong (Noun)


SYNONYMS: revenge, retribution, retaliation, payback, reprisal


  1. His thirst for vengeance clouded his judgment.
  2. She sought vengeance for the betrayal by exposing the truth.
  3. The character’s journey was driven by a desire for vengeance.
  4. Vengeance only leads to more conflict and pain.


WORD-8: Circumventing

CONTEXT: Mr. Biden has armed Israel in the middle of what the International Court of Justice has said could plausibly be considered genocide, including twice circumventing congressional review and oversight of arms shipments.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you encounter a roadblock but find a way around it to continue on your journey. That’s like “circumventing.” It means to find a way to avoid or bypass something, especially a rule, restriction, or obstacle.

MEANING: Finding a way to avoid or bypass something, especially a rule, restriction, or obstacle (verb).

PRONUNCIATION: sur-kuhm-vent-ing

SYNONYMS: bypassing, avoiding, evading, sidestepping, skirting


  1. The company used creative accounting methods for circumventing tax regulations.
  2. She was skilled at circumventing bureaucratic hurdles.
  3. Circumventing security measures is a serious offense.
  4. The team found a clever way of circumventing the problem.


WORD-9: Nonbinding

CONTEXT: He allowed one such resolution to pass last month, only to immediately undermine it by claiming it was nonbinding.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine making a promise that isn’t legally enforceable, like a handshake agreement. That’s like something being “nonbinding.” It means not legally or morally obligating, especially in terms of agreements or contracts.

MEANING: Not legally or morally obligating; not binding (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: non-bahyn-ding

SYNONYMS: unenforceable, invalid, null, noncommittal, inconclusive


  1. The memorandum of understanding was nonbinding and subject to change.
  2. The agreement was nonbinding until all parties signed the final contract.
  3. Nonbinding resolutions were passed by the committee for discussion purposes.
  4. The proposal was considered nonbinding until approved by the board.

Prolonged Picture Vocabulary

WORD-10: Prolonged

CONTEXT: These policies have not only prolonged the war in Gaza, contributing to the slaughter of civilians and isolating the United States internationally.

SOURCE: New York Times

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine waiting for something for a long time, like when you’re eagerly waiting for your birthday or a holiday. That’s like something being “prolonged.” It means extending or continuing for a longer period than usual or expected.

MEANING: Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy (adjective).

PRONUNCIATION: pruh-lawngd

SYNONYMS: extended, prolonged, protracted, lengthened, stretched


  1. The prolonged drought had severe effects on agriculture.
  2. His recovery was prolonged due to complications.
  3. The negotiations were prolonged but eventually led to an agreement.
  4. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause skin damage.



Vocabulary Spelling

Title: “Etching Words In Memory: Mastering ‘Vocabulary Spelling'”

In the rich tapestry of language learning, getting the ‘vocabulary spelling’ right forms a significant thread. These spelled words or the arrangement of letters give each word its unique identity. However, understanding ‘vocabulary spelling’ proficiently needs an insightful and strategic approach.

Starting the journey of learning ‘vocabulary spelling’, one must focus on observing patterns. English language words often follow certain spelling rules or patterns. Recognizing these can simplify the learning process, offering a systematic way to appreciate ‘vocabulary spelling’.

The trick to ingraining ‘vocabulary spelling’ effectively lies in the power of repetition. Regularly writing words can help reinforce the spelling in your memory. To boost this, tools like spelling quizzes or flashcards with the word on one side and the spelling on the other can provide an engaging way to practice ‘vocabulary spelling’.

An unconventional yet powerful approach to remember ‘vocabulary spelling’ is by using mnemonic devices. For instance, connecting the word’s spelling with a catchy phrase or rhyming pattern can make recall easier.

Integrating technology with learning ‘vocabulary spelling’ has its unique benefits, too. Apps offer various exercises and tests that not only enhance memory but also make learning fun.

Importantly, the learning of ‘vocabulary spelling’ should be punctuated with regular revisions. This ensures the recalled spelling is correct and cements it in your long-term memory.

In a nutshell, mastering ‘vocabulary spelling’ requires keen observation, regular practice, innovative mnemonic tools, use of technology, and timely revisions. As you follow this comprehensive path, you strengthen your grasp over ‘vocabulary spelling’, paving the way to language proficiency. Remember, every word spelled correctly is a moment of triumph in the enthralling escapade of language learning!

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