
Daily Vocabulary from Leading International Newspapers: April 8, 2024

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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.


WORD-1: Reappraisal

CONTEXT: The first prompt for my reappraisal has been my evolving understanding of the complexity of relationships.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine you have a toy that you thought was boring, but then you play with it again and realize it’s actually really fun. That’s called a “reappraisal.” It’s when you look at something again and see it in a new and better way.

MEANING: Reevaluating something to see it differently and often more positively (noun).


SYNONYMS: reassessment, reexamination, reconsideration, review, reevaluation

1. After reading the book again, she had a reappraisal of its themes and characters.
2. The reappraisal of the situation led to a change in strategy.
3. The manager’s reappraisal of the employee’s performance was much more positive this time.
4. The reappraisal of the old house revealed hidden treasures.

WORD-2: Coercively

CONTEXT: Writing about domestic abuse has opened my eyes to the extent that coercively controlling relationships drive people to do things because others want them to.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When someone tries to make you do something by scaring you or using force, that’s called doing something “coercively.” It’s like when you’re told to eat your vegetables or else you won’t get dessert.

MEANING: In a way that uses force or threats to make someone do something (adverb).


SYNONYMS: forcefully, compulsively, threateningly, intimidatingly, forcefully

1. The agreement was reached coercively, with one party feeling pressured to agree.
2. She spoke coercively, trying to get her point across forcefully.
3. The leader ruled coercively, using fear to maintain control.
4. His actions were viewed as coercively manipulative by those around him.


WORD-3: Cautiously

CONTEXT: The second factor that’s changed my mind is the international evidence that, once you cautiously nudge the door on assisted suicide, it is very difficult to stop it swinging wide open.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Being cautious means being very careful and thinking about what might happen before doing something. It’s like when you’re walking on a slippery floor, and you take small steps to avoid falling.

MEANING: In a careful and alert manner, avoiding risks or dangers (adverb).


SYNONYMS: carefully, prudently, attentively, vigilantly, warily

1. She proceeded cautiously through the dark alley.
2. The driver approached the icy road cautiously.
3. They moved cautiously in the unfamiliar territory.
4. He spoke cautiously about the sensitive topic.


WORD-4: Rendering

CONTEXT: What level of outside influence is considered too much, how is it measured, and how sure must a judge be, given life and death is at stake, surely rendering the balance of probability evidentiary threshold usually applied in the family courts inappropriate?

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you create something like a drawing or a painting, you are “rendering” it. It’s like when you make a picture of your family or your favorite cartoon character.

MEANING: The act of creating or producing something, such as a drawing or a performance (noun).


SYNONYMS: depiction, portrayal, representation, production, interpretation

1. Her rendering of the landscape was praised for its detail.
2. The rendering of the play captivated the audience.
3. He focused on the rendering of emotions in his artwork.
4. The rendering of the song was done beautifully by the choir.

WORD-5: Detriment

CONTEXT: We live in a social media-driven world characterized by excessive moral certainty, in which powerful individual stories that invoke strong emotions can dominate the discourse to the detriment of the voiceless.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: If something is harmful or not good for you, it’s said to be a “detriment.” It’s like eating too much candy and getting a tummy ache afterward.

MEANING: Something that causes harm or damage (noun).


SYNONYMS: harm, damage, disadvantage, detriment, injury

1. Smoking is a detriment to your health.
2. Lack of sleep can be a detriment to your performance.
3. The decision proved to be a detriment to their success.
4. The pollution is a detriment to the environment.


WORD-6: Foraging

CONTEXT: They are also capable of foraging much further than other bees, and have devised an ingenious waggle dance to communicate to their fellow workers the directions and distance to an abundant source of food.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Animals like squirrels looking for nuts in the park or birds searching for worms are “foraging.” It’s when you search for food or other things you need, like when you look for your favorite toy in your room.

MEANING: Searching widely for food or provisions (verb).


SYNONYMS: scavenging, hunting, gathering, rummaging, searching

1. The bear was foraging for berries in the forest.
2. The chef went foraging for fresh ingredients in the garden.
3. The birds were foraging for worms after the rain.
4. In survival training, they learned techniques for foraging in the wilderness.

WORD-7: Scarcity

CONTEXT: I know there could be a number of reasons for their scarcity other than an influx of honeybees.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When there’s not enough of something, like if there were only a few cookies left and everyone wanted one, that’s called “scarcity.” It’s when things are limited or hard to find.

MEANING: A situation in which there is not enough of something (noun)


SYNONYMS: shortage, deficiency, insufficiency, paucity, dearth

1. The scarcity of water in the desert made survival difficult.
2. During the war, there was a scarcity of food.
3. The scarcity of parking spaces in the city is a common problem.
4. Economic scarcity can lead to higher prices for goods.

WORD-8: Ludicrous

CONTEXT: the analogy will seem ludicrous, but hear me out: if the Conservative party was one of your friends, you’d be very worried about them.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Imagine someone telling a really silly joke that makes you laugh a lot. That’s what “ludicrous” means—something that’s so funny or crazy that it’s hard to believe.

MEANING: So absurd or ridiculous that it’s funny (Adjective)


SYNONYMS: absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, nonsensical, laughable

1. His idea was so ludicrous that everyone burst out laughing.
2. The situation became even more ludicrous as it unfolded.
3. The movie’s plot was criticized for being ludicrously unrealistic.
4. It’s ludicrous to think that pigs can fly.

WORD-9: Dishevelled

CONTEXT: They tend to look dishevelled and saggy-eyed. After a few drinks – and sometimes before – they speak an increasingly hysterical language of conspiracy theory and political paranoia.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Picture your hair all messy after playing outside or running around the house—that’s being “disheveled.” It’s when things are untidy or not neat, like when your toys are scattered all over the floor.

MEANING: Looking untidy, often with hair, clothing, or appearance (adjective)


SYNONYMS: untidy, messy, rumpled, unkempt, tousled

1. He arrived at the meeting looking disheveled after rushing from work.
2. The bedroom was in a disheveled state after the kids played there.
3. Her hair was disheveled from the wind.
4. The homeless man’s clothes were disheveled from living on the streets.


WORD-10: Disgrace

CONTEXT: In a similar spirit, Liz Truss decided to try to escape the disgrace of her lost weekend in 10 Downing Street by calmly standing on a platform while a fellow speaker lauded Tommy Robinson as a “hero”.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: When you do something really bad that makes others lose respect for you, that’s called “disgrace.” It’s like when you break something important and feel really sorry afterward.

MEANING: The loss of respect or honor due to dishonorable or shameful behavior (noun).


SYNONYMS: shame, dishonor, humiliation, discredit, ignominy

1. His actions brought disgrace to the family.
2. She felt a sense of disgrace after the incident.
3. The scandal led to the politician’s disgrace.
4. The athlete’s doping scandal resulted in a public disgrace.



Vocabulary Hard Words

Title: “Decoding Linguistic Labyrinth: Navigating ‘Vocabulary Hard Words'”

The experience of unraveling the depths of language learning often leads us to ‘vocabulary hard words’. These challenging jargons might seem daunting initially, but with the right learning strategies, the enigma of ‘vocabulary hard words’ can turn into an enticing quest. But how can these ‘vocabulary hard words’ be learned effectively?

Firstly, to master ‘vocabulary hard words’, it’s vital to break down the process into manageable steps. Instead of tackling several words at once, focus on understanding a few each day. This gradual approach ensures effective retention and understanding.

Multimedia resources tremendously aid in comprehending ‘vocabulary hard words’. Movies, podcasts, or even music in the target language contribute a comprehensive perspective. They provide real-life contexts and usages of ‘vocabulary hard words’, making them more understandable and less intimidating.

The incorporation of memory-enhancing techniques, such as flashcards or digital apps, can significantly bolster the retention of ‘vocabulary hard words’. Such tools encourage active recall, helping to cement these words into your long-term memory. Mnemonic devices can also aid in making these words more approachable by associating the hard words with relatable images or stories.

Practice is decisive when learning ‘vocabulary hard words’. Using these words in your conversations, written communications, or even social media posts will facilitate a robust understanding and recall.

Finally, do not worry about making mistakes while using ‘vocabulary hard words’. Mistakes are essential stepping stones in the learning process. They provide insights into areas that need more focus and help refine your grasp over these words.

In conclusion, grasping ‘vocabulary hard words’ is undoubtedly a challenging task but not an insurmountable one. With the aid of effective strategies including graded learning, multimedia resources, memory-enhancing tools, and regular practice, the process of mastering ‘vocabulary hard words’ can become an engaging and rewarding journey.

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