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Daily Vocabulary Words: List of Daily Used Words in Leading International Newspapers
Hi there. Welcome to this special section @ Wordpandit.
Our endeavour here is very simple: to highlight important daily vocabulary words, which you would come across in leading newspapers in the country. We have included the following newspapers in our selection:
• The New York Times
• The Washington Post
• Scientific American
• The Guardian
• Psychology Today
• Wall Street Journal
• The Economist
We are putting in extensive work for developing your vocabulary. All you have got to do is be regular with this section and check out this post on a daily basis. This is your repository of words that are commonly used and essentially, we are posting a list of daily used words. Hence, this has significant practical application as it teaches you words that are used commonly in leading publications mentioned above.
Visit the website daily to learn words from leading international newspapers.

Refutation Picture Vocabulary

WORD-1: Refutation

CONTEXT: the originally hard-right refutation of our historical responsibility has become popular on the other side of the political spectrum.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Refutation is when you prove something is not true, like telling your friend that unicorns aren’t real because they only exist in stories and there’s no evidence of them in real life.

MEANING: The act of proving a statement or belief to be incorrect or false. (Noun)

PRONUNCIATION: reh-fyoo-TAY-shun

SYNONYMS: Disproof, Rebuttal, Discrediting, Denial, Contradiction

1. The scientist’s refutation of the old theory led to a new discovery.
2. Her essay included a strong refutation of the misconception.
3. He offered a refutation to the rumor circulating about him.
4. The refutation of the claim was necessary to clear the misunderstanding.


WORD-2: Pulverised

CONTEXT: Russia pulverised decades of German Ostpolitik when it attacked Ukraine, and with it the European postwar order.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Pulverised means something has been crushed or ground into a very fine powder, like when you use a blender to turn fruits into a smoothie.

MEANING: Crushed or ground into a fine powder or dust. (Verb)


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SYNONYMS: Crushed, Ground, Powdered, Mashed, Shredded

1. The rocks were pulverised into gravel.
2. She pulverised the almonds for the cake topping.
3. The machine pulverised the grains into flour.
4. After the building demolition, the concrete was pulverised.

Procurement Picture Vocabulary

WORD-3: Procurement

CONTEXT: Describing and requiring best practices for procurement of AI systems is one of the most significant things government departments can do right now.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Procurement is like when you go shopping to get things you need, like groceries for your home or supplies for school.

MEANING: The process of obtaining supplies or services, often for business or an organization. (Noun)


SYNONYMS: Acquisition, Purchasing, Obtaining, Sourcing, Securing

1. The company’s procurement department is responsible for buying office supplies.
2. Effective procurement strategies can save a lot of money.
3. The government is careful in its procurement of defense equipment.
4. Procurement of quality materials is crucial for manufacturing.

Curriculum Picture Vocabulary

WORD-4: Curriculum

CONTEXT: Schools are stunted by “examification” and a rigid, overstuffed curriculum offering so much less to spark their enthusiasm.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Curriculum is like a list of all the things you will learn at school, like math, reading, science, and art.

MEANING: The subjects and content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. (Noun)


SYNONYMS: Course, Syllabus, Program, Educational Content, Study Plan

1. The new curriculum includes more practical lessons.
2. They updated the curriculum to make learning more fun.
3. Each grade has a different curriculum.
4. The school’s curriculum focuses on both academics and sports.

Alienated Picture Vocabulary

WORD-5: Alienated

CONTEXT: That children are alienated from education is no surprise when schools are stunted by “examification” and a rigid, overstuffed curriculum offering so much less to spark their enthusiasm.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Alienated is when someone feels alone or left out, like when you’re not invited to play a game with your friends.

MEANING: Made to feel isolated or estranged from others. (Verb)

PRONUNCIATION: AY-lee-uh-nay-tid

SYNONYMS: Estranged, Isolated, Disconnected, Excluded, Disaffected

1. He felt alienated from his peers at school.
2. The new policy alienated many of the company’s loyal customers.
3. Feeling alienated, she didn’t participate in the group activities.
4. The lack of communication alienated him from his family.

Assailed Picture Vocabulary

WORD-6: Assailed

CONTEXT: he assailed the “blob” of teachers and cut 9% per pupil.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Assailed is like being attacked or strongly criticized, like when someone says many unkind things about your drawing.

MEANING: Attacked or criticized strongly. (Verb)


SYNONYMS: Attacked, Criticized, Bombarded, Confronted, Assaulted

1. The politician was assailed with questions.
2. She felt assailed by the sudden rush of homework.
3. Critics assailed the film for its poor script.
4. The fortress was assailed by the enemy forces.


WORD-7: Castigated

CONTEXT: Gove castigated Labour for the attainment gap between poorer and better-off children.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Castigated means being told off or punished strongly, like when a teacher scolds a student for not doing homework.

MEANING: Severely reprimanded or punished. (Verb)


SYNONYMS: Scolded, Rebuked, Criticized, Reprimanded, Chastised

1. The employee was castigated for missing the deadline.
2. He castigated himself for his careless mistake.
3. The coach castigated the team for their poor performance.
4. She was castigated in the media for her controversial statements.


WORD-8: Perpetual

CONTEXT: further education colleges, havens for second chances, must enforce perpetual resits until they reach 18.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Perpetual is something that never ends or changes, like a cartoon character who always wears the same clothes every day.

MEANING: Continuing forever or for a very long time without stopping. (Adjective)


SYNONYMS: Continuous, Endless, Eternal, Unending, Constant

1. He had a perpetual smile on his face.
2. The machine was designed for perpetual motion.
3. She complained of perpetual headaches.
4. Their love seemed perpetual.


WORD-9: Apoplexy

CONTEXT: the net number of people coming to Britain in 2022 up to 745,000, were always going to induce apoplexy in the Conservative party, followed by the usual rhetoric about cutting the numbers in some draconian manner.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Apoplexy is a sudden medical condition where something goes wrong in your brain, like when a computer suddenly stops working because of a big problem inside.

MEANING: A sudden loss of bodily function due to a rupture or blockage in the brain, often leading to unconsciousness. (Noun)


SYNONYMS: Stroke, Seizure, Fit, Collapse, Insult

1. The doctor diagnosed him with apoplexy.
2. Apoplexy can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.
3. He collapsed from apoplexy during the meeting.
4. Risk factors for apoplexy include high blood pressure and smoking.


WORD-10 Draconian

CONTEXT: the net number of people coming to Britain in 2022 up to 745,000, were always going to induce apoplexy in the Conservative party, followed by the usual rhetoric about cutting the numbers in some draconian manner.

SOURCE: Guardian

EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH: Draconian is when rules are very strict and harsh, like if your parents say no TV or games at all for a tiny mistake.

MEANING: Excessively harsh and severe, especially regarding laws or rules. (Adjective)


SYNONYMS: Harsh, Severe, Strict, Rigorous, Stern

1. The new laws were considered draconian by many.
2. He imposed draconian measures to maintain order.
3. The teacher’s draconian rules stifled creativity.
4. They protested against the draconian policies.



Vocabulary List English

Title: “Harvesting Words: Effective Strategies for Mastering ‘Vocabulary List English'”

In the vibrant marketplace of language learning, a ‘vocabulary list English’ is akin to a beautifully stocked grocery list – a tool that equips learners with basic ingredients necessary for fluent communication. However, absorbing the ‘vocabulary list English’ proficiently requires more than mere memorization; it calls for an informed and strategic method of learning.

The initial step towards mastering ‘vocabulary list English’ involves adopting an interactive approach. Instead of just reading and revising, use flashcards or digital memory tools to make the process more engaging. Such modes of learning not only retain interest but also boost retention and comprehension.

When learning ‘vocabulary list English’, practice is a fundamental element. Use these words in routine conversations, emails, or social media posts. The more frequently you use the words, the swiftly their usage becomes second nature.

A crucial part of understanding ‘vocabulary list English’ lies in knowing the context. Simply knowing a word’s meaning isn’t enough; you must know how it’s used in different situations. Reading a variety of materials, from fiction and newspapers to blogs and digital content, offers insight into the practical application of these words, deepening your understanding.

Furthermore, it’s vital to frequently revise ‘vocabulary list English’. Call back to what you’ve learned and give it another run-through. This habit strengthens memory retention and enhances the likelihood of the words being accessible when needed.

In conclusion, mastering ‘vocabulary list English’ is achieved through a blend of engaging tools, active practice, contextual understanding, and regular revision. These strategies, combined, can make the task of mastering ‘vocabulary list English’ a less overwhelming and more rewarding journey. As you venture into this process, you grow and expand your English vocabulary, achieving a heightened level of fluency and confidence in your English communication abilities.

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